Type 2 Diabetes.

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GONE Ridin' Hood

Jul 8, 2005
I just read in http://www.metalicos.com/Paginas/Noticias.htm (Costa Rican metal page) that Michael Nicklasson has Type-2 diabetes.

So ye know, this is not an April Fool's joke (I'm rather known/hated for that, so I needed to state that clearly).

I am very sorry to hear that, I have Type-1 Diabetes (which is much worse actually :Smug: ), so believe me, I know how you feel.

It really sucks, you can't eat what everyone eats, and if you do it has to be very controlled and at strict hour times :erk: .

I can certainly understand you, and it must be very tiring to be on tour and to have a konzert every day. I know it is terrible because I have also been to metal konzerts :)rolleyes: ), which is obviously not the same, but I understand how tired you can feel after one.

And to be sure that you don't have an hipo-glicemia... man that's the worse, because you have to eat a lot before the konzerts but not too much because of you do you'll get a hiper-glicemia :ill: . Of course you can drink water to regulate it, and it's a lot worse for me because it's hard to carry a bottle to a gig hehe :p :cry: .

So I just wanted to extend my sincere support to Mr.Nicklasson and the band, I know it's tough but it's managable, at least most of the time; but if you take good care of what you eat there shaouldn't be any problem.

As a helpful and most of all needed tip for everyone who will be at the konzerts, if ye ever see that Michael is being "weird," or better to say moving in a strange way, he is probably having a hipo-glicemia, in which it is obligatory to immediately give him sugar. Anything sweet will do, Coke (NOT Diet obviously :p ) will be the best, candies are also great (you should put those in his gum, near his teeth or under his tongue, but be careful that he doesn't choke with it :rolleyes: ). I'm pretty sure he has some sort of candy in his pocket (if he doesn't he should), so take that into account.

This is pretty serious, if you see that he is convulsing (him being on the floor salivating like crazy and shaking his arms wothout control), PLEASE call an ambulance immediately, for there's high risk of diabetic comma or even death when a hipo-glicemia is so bad.

This has happened to me, I've been in the hospital 3 times because of that, one with comma and everything (ok maybe that's a bit exaggerated but I did sleep for ca.1 hour, and don't remember anything before that), so believe me when I tell that it's not a pretty scene :erk: :ill: .

Anyway, I know it's hard, and it'll be hard to get used to it, but keep it up Michael! :) :kickass: :headbang:

- Daniel "LBRH" Josephy H. :kickass: .
Yeh I read about it on DT's official site, I'm sure Michael has what it takes to stand any kind of diabetes, go Mike! and LBRH, I didn't know you were a diabetic as well, I'd say you are also dealing with it rather nicely, since you seem to be often cheery.
I'm impressed that he is able to go out every night and still perform. I know I probably wouldn't be able to do something like that a week after being diagnosed, and not really knowing what I was going to be up against. Micheal is awesome, and I am less worried about him now that I know. I hope he takes care of himself first and foremost, and concentrates on the show secondly.
I understand your concerns for him, but let's not make a deal out of it. He's a grown adult and I'm sure he and his band mates will look out for him. There are many people with various health issues (including myself) and life goes on.
i've thought about posting something to share our support to Michael as soon as i've read the official news on the official Dt site but then i was afraid it was inconvenient or smth...on the other hand it was really awful and cold not to say athing so didnt know what to do... :erk: but yes of course i'm sure we're all with Michael, arent we? :wave: :wave: and btw I have friends with diabetes and once in control it actually can be better and you are allowed to eat more/different things...

LBRH: i guess the type 1 is the one with the 4-a-day insuline assumption, isnt it?
i know its hard to cope with that, my friend who got it now is ok, she even got a baby! :) but she always has to be careful and she told me sometime people dont help you in the crisis because they think youre a drug addict or whatever. she got very upset about this, but i think its just ignorance---> not knowing things i mean... :rolleyes:
anyway, hope you wont have to go to hospital anymore 4 that!!!! :wave:
I understand your concerns for him, but let's not make a deal out of it. He's a grown adult and I'm sure he and his band mates will look out for him. There are many people with various health issues (including myself) and life goes on.

yeah i absolutely agree with you, but i think we should just express our concern, not pretending we didnt know, dont u think? i think he'd like this.
Yeh I read about it on DT's official site, I'm sure Michael has what it takes to stand any kind of diabetes, go Mike! and LBRH, I didn't know you were a diabetic as well, I'd say you are also dealing with it rather nicely, since you seem to be often cheery.

:) thanks.

Hehe well that's just my internet persona, although yes I'm usually quite cheerful, at least when I'm with my lads :rolleyes: . It's still pretty hard for me as I was diagnosed diabetes when I was 16, so the rebeldy is still alive inside hehe :rolleyes: :erk: . I take much care now, but I still do things I shouldn't. And I have to do more exercise, which is waht really fucks me up because I'm a very sedentary person :ill: .

Jolty said:
I'm impressed that he is able to go out every night and still perform. I know I probably wouldn't be able to do something like that a week after being diagnosed, and not really knowing what I was going to be up against. Micheal is awesome, and I am less worried about him now that I know. I hope he takes care of himself first and foremost, and concentrates on the show secondly.

I totally agree, as I said before it's quite a nuisance to go to a gig, and i can't imagine how I'd be to be up there night after night. :erk: . You obviously have more access to certain things (such as H2o), and you can breathe more than the public, but you still have to give it your all and that's very tiring :ill: .

Dafne said:
i've thought about posting something to share our support to Michael as soon as i've read the official news on the official Dt site but then i was afraid it was inconvenient or smth...on the other hand it was really awful and cold not to say athing so didnt know what to do... but yes of course i'm sure we're all with Michael, arent we? and btw I have friends with diabetes and once in control it actually can be better and you are allowed to eat more/different things...

LBRH: i guess the type 1 is the one with the 4-a-day insuline assumption, isnt it?
i know its hard to cope with that, my friend who got it now is ok, she even got a baby! but she always has to be careful and she told me sometime people dont help you in the crisis because they think youre a drug addict or whatever. she got very upset about this, but i think its just ignorance---> not knowing things i mean...
anyway, hope you wont have to go to hospital anymore 4 that!!!!

Yeah I also thought that I'd be great to show him our support. I mean, he's not just the bass player of our favourite band, but he is also a person that deserves support from the fans that say that are "the most loyal in metal."

Now show your support to Mikey and prove how "loyal" you can be.

I'm still a bit amazed/upset no one made a thread considering the news was up since the 30th of March... .

I know that most people think that you shouldn't get involved in your "idols" lives, but not showing your support to Mikey is cold and being a jerk. Why? Because one thing is to become a stalker of your idols, and another one is showing them your support and that you care.

It may not seem like that, but I'm sure that if Mikey reads this he would fell very :) *crosses his fingers hoping he'll read it*

Yup, 4 lovely shots every day. One before each meal and one before going to bed :kickass: . I really don't care about sticking the needle in my stomach, but sometimes it just gets on my nerves and makes pretty mad :erk: :heh: .
Yup, 4 lovely shots every day. One before each meal and one before going to bed :kickass: . I really don't care about sticking the needle in my stomach, but sometimes it just gets on my nerves and makes pretty mad :erk: :heh: .
Damn...*tightly hugs* :) but did u know they're talking about a new medecine that should avoid the needle? :) Its still on trial but hopefully it will be available soon! ;)

Edit: tomorrow i was supposed to go and see Incubus but show cancelled... :cry: so your not the only one missing a gig
I understand your concerns for him, but let's not make a deal out of it. He's a grown adult and I'm sure he and his band mates will look out for him. There are many people with various health issues (including myself) and life goes on.

Agreed fully. I also have a health issue (asthma), and there is a thin line between being supportive and being annoying. I try not to cross that line with other people... Occassionally I think I might.
Agreed fully. I also have a health issue (asthma), and there is a thin line between being supportive and being annoying. I try not to cross that line with other people... Occassionally I think I might.

Boy, you are one hellava walking dead :heh:

Once my health starts failing - I will blow my brains out.
Damn...*tightly hugs* :) but did u know they're talking about a new medecine that should avoid the needle? :) Its still on trial but hopefully it will be available soon! ;)

Edit: tomorrow i was supposed to go and see Incubus but show cancelled... :cry: so your not the only one missing a gig

Yup I know :) , it's like the thing you hav for asthma (which I also have hehe :lol: , damn I'm like a freaking zombie or something :zombie: ).

It's availabel now I think, but it's too expensive and not worth it :rolleyes: , bit it makes me :) that there have been a lot of improvements.

@Jolty: Yes, ther's a line, but it is certainly not being crossed here :) .
Boy, you are one hellava walking dead :heh:

Once my health starts failing - I will blow my brains out.

I am not entirely sure what you mean by that, but I think it may have been in reference to the fat lady picture I posted. :p

It's actually not that bad anymore, but I still have to carry an inhaler so that I can keep it under control and not die. I got ID'd for it at the show last night, haha.
I meant what I meant: once I get anything terminal, or my health goes to hell - I'm buying a gun and blowing my brains out.

Or something, I dunno.
What he is trying to say is that he doesn't want to become an old fart who can't do anything, is in pain all the time and dies after a bunch of horrible painful years being sick all the time.
@LBRH: It's ok to talk about your own health, but it's up to each band member to decide whether they want to discuss their private lives, on issues that do not concern Dark Tranquillity at all, or not. In shorter, but hopefully even clearer terms, enough with the probing and meddling.
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