Tyr new release.


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
The recordings for the new album, to be named Ragnarok, are done. It is a concept album, and it will be released on Sept. 22 in Europe and on Oct. 10 in the US. We are very pleased with the result and we think that it is our best work to date. Can't wait to release it and to play it live on tour.

Their debut wasn't very thrilling but the second one "Eric The Red" it's a fantastic album so I hope this new one also kick some ass.

In the end the socond half of 2006 is looking absolutely great for me.

NP: Mark Boals - 'Battle Of The Titan'
I am also a big fan of Eric the Red. Tyr and Falconer could be on the same playing field if Tyr was more active. Granted, Falconer took off in the wrong direction while Tyr stayed stagnant, so it probably equals out to the same...at least for those who love the old Scandanavian folk melodies like I do!

I'll definitely be checking this one out!
I donwloaded yesterday and WOW if you liked "Eric The Red" you will love this one. Not only they haven't change a bit the formula but also I feel the songs more energetic much more heavier.

Still combining English and Faroese lyrics and even after a single listening (still uncomplete) I have this one for sure in the top ten of this year maybe the top five.

NP: Tyr - 'The Hunt'
That's good news indeed, Wyv! The only thing I thought they lacked on Eric the Red was energy and intensity. It was really laid back, like Falconer, which I guess is their style. But I wouldn't mind a bit more aggression here and there, just to mix things up.

Now I gotta go find that sucker so I don't have to wait a freakin' month.