UAD Studer A800 Plug-In

I've tried UAD Studer A800 and I cannot believe thats the sound Im been looking for years. The question is.. Should I buy Studer or CDSoundmaster R2R? Can someone post an audio comparison?
I've been mixing an real analog recorded project this week and I must say there's definitely something that make it "easier" to work with. Then again, it's not metal.

On a side note, there's an actual A80 (8track/1inch) rotting at my brother's place for years. Never got to use it because it's missing the front panel command card or something. It would have probably worked with a remote control... Seriously, it's been around for 15 years. What a waste.
Call me cynical but something seems a bit fishy about this... the whole boosted bottom end thing in particular.

A800 Mk3's are about as close to top to bottom linear as you get, save for a bit of 5K softness.

Whatever, fwiw etc. Be interested to hear it.