Uber death metal: my last work

Hi folks !
It's been a while since I posted something here....
Here's a band I'm really proud of!
Recorded mixed and mastered by myself
Don't know which mix revision they posted on youtube... I hope last one... it's been a while since I finished everything... (just one song needs vocals to be recorded cause the singer had a surgery... but the rest is already mixed and mastered)
Took a lot to be done, I hope to finish the last vocal track soon and post the whole thing if I can
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yeah not fan of lyrics per se but at least the rest I think is really good :D
Thanks anyway for taking the time to listen to it!

P.S: Lol a lot of grammar errors on that YT video.... ouch
I revised some of the lyrics in the studio but I guess they transcribed a lot of stuff wrongly on that video
Sounds thick! Great mix, I kind of wish there was a bit more instrument separation (especially with the rhythm guitars that sound thick and huge, but take a lot of space in the mix) and the vocals would be a bit less loud, but all in all it sounds great. It's refreshing to hear death metal here. :)