UBUREN - Withered Roots New Album - Viking Black Metal


Aug 25, 2012
UBUREN - Withered Roots New Album


Norway's Uburen do not create their "Viking" atmosphere by playing "nice sing-along boy-scout-campfire" melodies, like some other so-called Viking Metal bands are doing, but by stirring violent emotions in the listener that make him/her dream that they are taking part in a bloody Viking raid. The music is ferocious and harsh, but is full of underlying melodies and adds a real majestic and monumental feel to it. Withered Roots has many sides. Somber, malicious, cheerful, or bittersweet. Be it black metal tinged with gorgeous melodies, or 100% authentic sounding Viking Metal movements, it's all powerful, gripping music. From the second the intro ends, into the pummeling first riff which you won't be able to stop yourself from headbanging to, all the way to the melancholy, bittersweet closer, this album is attention grabbing, and reeks heavily of everything Viking, Pagan and Black Metal. It reeks heavily of everything done right.

Withered Roots Tracklisting:
1. Aegir
2. Sea Of Deceit
3. Asmegin
4. Blood Eagle
5. Escape
6. Voluspaa
7. Kampen
8. Deprived Of Empathy
9. Forgotten Battlecries
10. Visions of Valhalla

Purchase: email uburenband at gmail.com to purchase this album

SAMPLE: https://soundcloud.com/uburen-official/kampen
VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3senGghFAE


Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/uburenofficial