UFO 11/15 @ HOB


Doom On!
Apr 14, 2004
West Burbs of Chicago
Just won tix to UFO.
Really stoked as I was going to pass since tix are 40 bones.
Wouldn't pay that unless Schenker was back.

Will still be great to hear Phil Moog.
Anyone know I Pete Way is still with them?
This is a band that I've always meant to check out, but never have, at least that I can remember. Which record would you recommend to a noob?
Lights Out, Lights Out CHICAGO!!!!
TONIGHT!!! Tour kicks off at HOB!

Holy smokes were UFO great last night.
I know only a few here may care so I will keep this short.

Vinnie Moore does a great job, though he definitely "Yngwie's" all the solos.
They definitely have more of an 80s metal vibe with Moore on leads.
While I will still take Schenker's playing over his any day of the week, he does a fine job.

The rest of the band was top notch.

Phil Moog is a ham live.

As far as staple songs go, both UFO and Schenker are playing the same material.