UFO "Monkey Puzzle" tour


Child of the Damned
Jan 25, 2002
UFO were in town this week, the odd thing is less people showed up compared to the MSG concert a few months ago. As for myself, I'm more into UFO than MSG material so here I am once again!

The main difference from the You Are Here tour is Vinnie Moore who's now an integral part of the band, he doesn't look like "the new guitarist" anymore but more like he's been in the band forever! Scrap that "guitar hero" tag, Moore is a class act, a true artist on his instrument and he's becoming a rock 'n roll showman as well. You've got to see him playing flawlessly lead after lead almost without effort (what an awesome guitar tone on his own too!), and he looks like he's having the time of his life playing with one his favorite bands!
Moore keeps playing with the fans, headbanguing, doing a few rock 'n roll gimmicks like playing the guitar behind his neck (and not missing a single note, God I hate him for being so damn good :D), and sometimes runs around poking at Pete Way. :D No ego wanking bullshit as he knows exactly what UFO needs. While his lead playing is impressive, emotive and incredibly precise he doesn't try to "overplay" his parts, except in the long central/jam/improvisation part of "Rock Bottom" (different from Schenker's version) but that's part of the feel of the song ;)

Our good ole Pete Way is still the funny stage animal he's always been, Paul Raymond is essential to UFO (providing guitars, keyboards and backing vocals), and Andy Parker is back in the fold even though I miss a little bit Jason Bonham's more versatile and technical drumming.
Phil Mogg, well... he was drunk. :D And joked about it all night long, especially when there's a (new) song called "Drink Too Much". ;) Fortunately he could still sing and gave it all, sometimes looking high in his own trippy world. One of these classic voices of rock 'n roll.

Because of the irritating time limitations of l'Elysée Montmartre the band had to scrap 2 songs from the setlist, I hate that but at least they got to play "Fighting Man". I wish they were more adventurous though, how about digging out more obscure stuff or forgotten gems from their long discography? The problem is that most of their (aged) crowd mainly reacts to the "big hits" and doesn't seem to know anything else (new stuff included), that's probably why the band plays the same classic songs year after year.

Ok I can live with it, UFO rules whatever they play. And you know why? Sometimes you see young bands who seem to be almost bored on stage, always concentrated on their instruments or trying too hard to look "serious" or "evil" (ha!)... and then you see the opposite, guys in their 50's/60's like UFO, Deep Purple and Dio who have played thousands of gigs all around the world, and they're still having fun living their childhood dream, kicking ass and playing their hearts out like it's their last gig ever.
That's what rock 'n roll is all about, and these guys are legends for a good reason.

Setlist :

Mother Mary
When daylight goes to town
Let it roll
I'm a loser
This kids
Hard beeing me
Drink too much
Fighting man
Only you can rock me
Baby blue
Love to love
Too hot to handle
Lights out
Rock bottom
Doctor doctor
Shoot shoot

PS : The new album The Monkey Puzzle is pretty cool, less heavy but more 70's sounding and colourful than the very pleasant You Are Here. It features more input from Paul Raymond (bring back the piano, yeah!) and Vinnie Moore, Parker's drumming is more standard though. Check it out!
Glad to hear UFO is still kicking ass and performing with zest at every show. UFO is always a staple of mine...a staple of my youth actually. Their albums have been hit and miss over the past 20 years, but from what I've seen on video they always kick ass live.
Their albums have been hit and miss over the past 20 years, but from what I've seen on video they always kick ass live.

You nailed it! Live they are like an AC/DC they always have a similar set, they play what the fans want, with some new stuff in there. No matter who is in the band they kill! Have you seen the Showtime DVD?! No Schenker, but it still a great DVD! I have no intentions of picking up the new record, though if I see a used copy I might be curious enough to pick it up.
Yes, Sixx, I saw Showtime this summer at my friend's house. I'm also going to rent it again soon from Netflix. And like you, I'm not going to rush right out to buy the new UFO, but if I see it at a decent price I'll pick it up.

I think Vinnie more is still an unusual pick, similar to when Coverdale picked up Steve Vai to play in Whitesnake...
We saw them last week and Phil Mogg also was drunk... I saw him sober earlier this year and his voice was way better than !! Besides that still a strong performance, Vinnie is a great guitar player indeed! It was Pete Way's birthday and the guys had alot of fun onstage...The long guitar solo from Vinnie was amazing !!
I just need to mention the opening act was Vengeance, the band were Arjen Lucassen started ... Haha, well, they sucked big time; The play very commercial sing-a-long songs ... Oldschool commercial stuff , as Hawk said; this band shows you DIDN'T miss anything if you weren't there in the 80's :p
I think Vinnie more is still an unusual pick, similar to when Coverdale picked up Steve Vai to play in Whitesnake...
Schenker's boots are hard to fill. I don't blame them for picking up a well-known and respected name in the music world, even if his style doesn't quite fit the band. Vinne Moore is a draw in and of himself, so that adds to the attractiveness of attending a UFO concert. Like carnut said, the dude shreds!

LOL on the Vengeance, carnut. I guess even a mastermind like Arjen has to start somewhere!
Schenker's boots are hard to fill. I don't blame them for picking up a well-known and respected name in the music world, even if his style doesn't quite fit the band. Vinne Moore is a draw in and of himself, so that adds to the attractiveness of attending a UFO concert. Like carnut said, the dude shreds!
... and he does fit the band ;)

Vinnie Moore doesn't try to play million notes per second, he can play with soul and feel and really shows it on "You Are Here" and "The Monkey Puzzle". While those new records may not be rock classics of all time, I think they're just as good as, say, Glenn Hugues latest outputs (talking about 70's rock legends...).
Even without Schenker they still manage to release quality material IMO.
Vinnie Moore doesn't try to play million notes per second, he can play with soul and feel and really shows it on "You Are Here" and "The Monkey Puzzle".
Agreed. I should have worded it, "at the time of his hiring, his style didn't really fit the band". I thought it an odd fit when they announced his joining, as Vinnie was known more as a shredder than an emotional soloist. He's proven himself much more than a shredder, that's for sure.
From Digital Steel


Venue: 013 (Tilburg - Netherlands)

Tourname: UFO Monkey Puzzle tour 2006

Support: Vengeance

It was a rainy Thursday night when we left for Tilburg. We were just in time to catch opening act Vengeance. A Dutch band that had a lot of success in the 80s and was the starting point for the career of Arjen Lucassen or as most of us know him, Ayreon. The band stopped gigging and recording in 1994 but was resurrected a few years later in 1997. They released a new album in 2006 called Back in the Ring.

To put it straight; I was not impressed by Vengeance that night. To my ears the songs were very predictable and boring. Most of the time the choruses were just the title of the song shouted 3 or 4 times. After a while it got really annoying. Add to this a constantly overacting singer and you have a recipe for disaster! In the 80s there were thousands of bands like this. It has become quite the fashion to look to the 80s as a golden age of metal but people forget that bands like this at one time dominated the scene.

In all honesty I must say that they did get a lot of positive reactions from the crowd. But I was glad when they stopped playing. One of the worst concerts I ever saw.

Click here for some pics.

UFO took the stage with Mother Mary and they sounded fantastic! Next up was When Daylight Goes To Town from their 2006 album The Monkey Puzzle. Singer Phil Mogg was a little or perhaps more than a little drunk. It turned out that keyboardist/guitarist Paul Raymond had his birthday. So the crowd sung ‘Happy Birthday’ to him. UFO followed up with 3 classics Let it Roll, I'm a Loser and This Kids.

The atmosphere was great you could see people headbanging, singing or even dancing everywhere. The band gave a very good show and played very well. Vinnie Moore does fit the band very well and has become a solid member and gets the opportunity to introduce some really nice innovations like playing the beginning of the UFO classic Love To Love with an acoustic guitar.

While he is really an excellent player I do have my doubts now and then about his guitar tone. Mostly because his attack is not as sharp and aggressive as Schenkers. While he should have his own sound, this can become a problem when he plays the leads of Schenker. This was particulair noticeable at the end of Love To Love. In the original version Schenker plays a very emotional and passionate lead. When you hear Moore’s solo in a live situation the sound has nothing of the original sound. Moore’s tone is much tamer and misses the passion and aggression the original one had. During that moment several people around me were shaking their heads. As far as I am concerned this was the only time during the concert when I got the feeling that something was wrong.

The rest of the gig really felt like one big party. The highlight for me was Rock Bottom which was excellently handled by Moore. Closers Doctor Doctor and Shoot Shoot had almost everyone singing along and you could see that people were really enjoying themselves. All in all this was one of the best concerts I saw this year. If you get a chance to see UFO live just go! You will not regret it!

Click here for some pics.

Mother Mary
When Daylight Goes To Town
Let It Roll
I'm A Loser
This Kids
Hard Being Me
Drink Too Much
Fighting Man
Only You Can Rock Me
Baby blue
Love To Love
Too Hot To Handle
Lights Out
Rock Bottom
Doctor Doctor
Shoot Shoot
Hey cool pics, Vinnie rocks!
