UFO, Paul Stanley & Billy McCarthy On The CMS!


The Man Behind The Mayhem
THIS WEEK ON YOUR CLASSIC METAL SHOW: After some chaotic times in the last few weeks while the show went through a good amount of technical and background changes, we'll once again get back to doing what we've done for years this week! First off, we've got two legends to have New Music Listening Parties for. First off, the great UFO are back with a brand new album called THE MONKEY PUZZLE. It's a rocker in pure UFO style, and one that's sure to impress all of you fans of the band. We'll be doing a New Music Listening Party for it, and with any luck will be able to have someone from the band on the show.

Secondly, we come into a New Music Listening Party for Kiss legend Paul Stanley cautiously, since we all remember the disaster his bandmate Gene Simmons put forth a few years ago. However, Paul Stanley has done a great job with LIVE TO WIN. It's a real rocker in a melodic way, and a solid representation of one of the most recognizable voices in the history of classic metal. We'll be doing a New Music Listening Party for this one, so be ready for that one.

Finally, we'll do something rare and actually have an in-studio guest rockin' with Neeley in CMS Studio A. Billy McCarthy, best known for his work with the D'Molls, will be joining Neeley in the studio for commentary as well as for discussions of his new world into the literary field, as the author of his first book called THE DEVIL OF SHAKESPHERE.