Ugghh, off the facepalm scale

Like his penis wasn't small enough after stealing other peoples music.. ;X
The Swedish "Två Blåbär" is also nice, haha. It's like a hip hop version of black metal... suicidal, hopeless and just generally depressing. They made an album in the 90's and then just vanished from the scene. Heard one of the guys (they were two in the group) became a mushroom expert instead... haha.
Hahaha, yup, much as I hate gossip, I guess a lot of it spreads by people like me bitching about how much they hate it! Tricky bastards... :lol:
I think the electronic waves given off by the sequencers are what give him the ego. Too much looping and cutting up beats can distort ones reality. Making Hip Hop is like The Matrix. Now, if he actually played an instrument, different story.