

speedy meatmonger
Jun 9, 2002
Gothenburg, Sweden
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SMYRNA, Tenn. (AP) - Members of a church say God is punishing American soldiers for defending a country that harbors gays, and they brought their anti-gay message to the funerals Saturday of two Tennessee soldiers killed in Iraq.

The church members were met with scorn from local residents. They chased the church members cars' down a highway, waving flags and screaming "God bless America."

"My husband is over there, so I'm here to show my support," 41-year-old Connie Ditmore said as she waved and American flag and as tears came to her eyes. "To do this at a funeral is disrespectful of a family, no matter what your beliefs are."

The Rev. Fred Phelps, founder of Westboro Baptist in Kansas, contends that American soldiers are being killed in Iraq as vengeance from God for protecting a country that harbors gays. The church, which is not affiliated with a larger denomination, is made up mostly of Phelps' children, grandchildren and in-laws.

The church members carried signs and shouted things such as "God hates fags" and "God hates you."

About 10 church members protested near Smyrna United Methodist Church and nearly 20 stood outside the National Guard Armory in Ashland City. Members have demonstrated at other soldier funerals across the nation.

The funerals were for Staff Sgt. Asbury Fred Hawn II, 35, in Smyrna and Spc. Gary Reese Jr., 22, in Ashland City. Both were members of the Tennessee National Guard.

Hundreds of Smyrna and Ashland City residents and families of other soldiers turned out at both sites to counter the message the Westboro Baptist members brought.

So many counterdemonstrators were gathered in Ashland City that police, sheriff's deputies and state troopers were brought in to control traffic and protect the protesters.

The church members held protesting permits, and counterprotesters in Smyrna turned their backs to Westboro Baptist members until time expired on the protest permits.

"If they were protesting the government, I might even join them," Danny Cotton, 56, said amid cries of "get out of our town" and "get out of our country." "But for them to come during the worst time for this family - it's just wrong."

Glad to hear Sweden isn't the only thing God hates. :err:
To think there are actually people out there that are SO ignorant is disgusting. They should be ashamed of themselves. :bah:
I realize people are entitled to their opinions, but to protest at a funeral?! that's horrible.
I read that on Drudge a few days ago about them protesting the funerals. It's amazing the lengths people will go to tie any event to their beliefs to protest and bitch. That's just cold. :hotjump:
Karmic said:
Glad to hear Sweden isn't the only thing God hates. :err:

God hates us all. (quote Mssr King, Hanneman et al)

What God would create us to have irresistable desires which go against our basic physiology? As the mighty Bill Hicks said - Cannabis is 'bad' but 'God' made it grow all over the place, we crave sugar and fat, we have inherent addictions to nicotine, alcohol and ever other fucking vice under the sun.

God created everything?

Therefore he created sin, evil and Profanity. WTF????

If he's omniscient, and omnipotent he surely knew before he created Adam and Eve that they were going to eat from the tree of knowledge and fuck it all up for the rest of us (stick me in the garden of Eden with a hot naked chick and everything you could ever want and that fucking tree would be gone before a rib left my body I can tell ya..

This story fucking defies belief. Why can't people live and let live??

People are different. That has fucking melted my head. This really is a Godless Endeavour, do you know that? These lunatics should be locked up.

The reason this world is fucked - is that we have mental bastards like that all over the place (some might say the whitehouse, but not me, I'm waaaaay too diplomatic!)

Warrel said about so called Christians who wouldnt feed hindus because they wouldnt convert. It's fucking fascism.

What happened to love your neighbour as yourself????????????????

If everyone in this world subscribed to that one ethos everyfucking else would be cool. The other 1000 pages could be dumped.

Didn't mean to offend any christians (my wife is one) and sincere apologies if I did.

Rant over.
Karmic said:
usually they say the devil created the bad things.


there are way too many loop holes in the bible. which is why these people are like this. when there are defects like that there will conflicting interpretations and thus wars arise.
But if you know the supposed story of lucifer, being a high angel then being banished for being... what was it, proud? no... whatever... How could he create shit like that. Now I don't worship a devil, or 'the god', but lucifer couldn't have been all that bad if he did one sin that sent him to 'hell'. And suddenly he reigns in hell? Christians have too many holes in their beliefs.
Funny, and I thought soldiers were being killed because of the bullets and explosives. Shit, where I can get some of this God stuff to kill people with?
Oh, honestly! People blame God for everything. God loves me and he hates you. God stole my baby. Whatthefuckever.

Soldiers are being punished/killed for defending a country that elected president dumbshit, more or less -- I'm pretty sure it doesn't have anything to do with sexual orientation... unless that article in the National Enquirer about Saddam Hussain and Osama Bin Laden being lovers (you remember, the one with Saddam in a tutu) was true... Hmmm....

*wanders off to consider the tutu pic*
The loopholes in the bible are a result of it being spliced together from various texts written over several thousand years. Multiple authors, multiple editors, and continual revision. Which is why anyone taking such a heavily and continually altered and revised piece of literature as, excuse the expression, is being silly.