uk dates


Oct 25, 2002
Visit site
I haven't visited here for a while so was pleasantly surprised to see new tour dates with a gig in Bradford! I was on previously moaning how the lads had neglected the whole North of England on the last tour. I now doff my (flat) cap :worship: to the lads for quickly correcting this travesty!
While I'm here,this site has acquired some right whinging feckers! Sapator - who is this guy! Cheer up you miserable old bugger! Just because someone doesn't agree with you doesn't make them instantly wrong and you right. You're not infallible unless you're the Pope. If that is you......Bless me Father for I have sinned...!!:headbang:
Welcome back, Bert, and I can't agree with you more when describing some of our more negative contributors!

It's good to see Saxon fans are a pretty intelligent bunch of people who simply like to Rock!

Now Biff and the boys are playing up your way again, keep posting in!
LMAO Paxoman!! well put! hehehe!
and hey Bert! its great Saxon are back up this way,, i will be at the Rio Gig in Bradford!!
Ha! Yeah - I think he may be getting his Doug Scarrat voodoo doll out as we speak!

Let's not be too mean to him - he is a fan, after all. But he just has a problem realising times change and things progress as we get older. I also reckon his English makes him come across much blunter than he intends (at least I hope so!)

The important thing is this - Biff and the lads are still making music we can be very proud of and I really couldn't give a shit if their current stuff is better or worse than the 'Wheels of Steel' phase and such! All I do know is that I think Saxon Rock and make my like life much more fun!
Bert's right - we shouldn't be such moaning bitches! Let's enjoy the current Saxon material whilst it is here!
After all, Saxon could have gone down the route of Status Quo or Def Leppard and sold their souls to the God of Crap, but they didn't!
Thanks to all for the welcome back! I nearly shat myself as I thought the Bradford gig was going to clash with the Priest/Scorps at Manchester but it turns out it's the night after.Get in!!!!! It looks like they are going to add a second date though for the 22nd (according to Scorps website) so some people are going to be a bit miffed if they can't get tickets for the 21st. It's a tough one to choose between!:confused: