UK Thrash Metal. Debut album out soon.


New Metal Member
Feb 21, 2011
Manchester UK
Debut album out soon. It's sounding truly damn awesome and I'm not just blagging it, I'm genuinely proud to my boots of it.

To me it's just Heavy Metal, but Battle-Power-Thrash or something like that is probably more accurate a description. Got some killer riffs in there, shredding solos, pretty clean power style-vocals and proper aggressive drumming.

Have a listen to the demo stuff here if you like. Compared to the album it's rough as a hung over badger's arse though!

Live we put on a proper show too. None of that staring at your feet shit. If you want us to come wreck your local venue just get in touch and we'll sort something out, otherwise, catch us when we're touring sometime and you won't regret it!

Website (Lots of info, tour dates and frequently updated)

Facebook. Because there is no raisin for it...