UK trip about to start...(Photos added)

Lasse Lammert

HCAF Blitzkrieg
Feb 12, 2009
leaving here in 7 hrs...
first stop: Belgium, dropping of Alestorm's gear at their live-guy's place
second: London..night in the pubs
third: Sneap's place, picking up the desk
fouth: dunno, night out around up to scotland and visit a whisky down back to london..we'll see, thi one is open
fifth: stop in te Netherlands at Alestorm's place...another night out I guess.
sixth: home again....

any ideas for step four? Anything one can do up there?
scotland is fucking miles away, as good as it is there you'd be wasting your time!

derby is ok for drinking etc, but nottingham (not far away) has way more to offer as its got a pretty large student base there. otherwise id hit manchester or sheffield or somewhere if you want to keep it northern. a bit further away is newcastle which has an incredible nightlife and basically everyone there is fucking friendly. you havent lived untill you've seen geordie girls braving a night out up there in the freezing weather wearing next to nothing!

depending on your views on london, you can always hit that again, there is so much to do and stuff going on there that its almost impossible to get bored.
and if you have the time the nike-store in the oxford street is mind blowing. They have all the nice shoes you dont get in germany for sometimes the half price.
IMHO London has the best chinatown in europe, second place takes Amsterdam.
Take a lot of cash if you want to get drunk in london:)
Get sneap PRESETZ :)

I would try to visit stonehenge.
I was there 13 years ago and it was so awsome!!!!
good luck for your trip, seems to be a nice one. ........

..... but are you going to tell me whats up with the NKM before you leave this country ? :D
Sneap just offered I could stay at his place, so I might be doing that, we'll see.
Vendo: no, but next week I'll fin the time.
Chatown: we'll see, there's an Irish pub next to where Chinatown starts, that's where I'll more likely be.
Northhampton isn't planned, would love to visit Stonehenge though, but that's too far out of the way
+1 on the "scotland is far".

Might be worth visiting north england (darlington?)..
Enjoy your trip!
I'd personally worry about accidentally spending all my money on beer in Belgium and showing up to Sneap's with empty pockets. Watch out for that.

Pfff, he's from Germany, better beer here and it's not expansive at all :D

Have fun Lasse!