UK Venues - NO NOISE CONTROL Petition

I'd sign and spread, but I'm an American and I only know Americans...

But what's the deal, do they want you to basically play quieter or something like that, and these devices enforce it?
My dads on the council and I gotta say that you have to look at this in two ways.

Indeed, we deserve our music played loud (well, it shouldn't be quiet!) so yeah, thats the arguement. However, lets not forget that a lot of venueshave shows going on until late at night and it sometimes draws complaints from people in the surrounding areas. Thats the main reason they have noise limitors in venues nowadays, because if people file a complaint then it can lead to the venue's license getting reviewed and most of the time having restrictions put on (i.e. the noise limitors). This can cause a majoir disruption because sometimes the venues will have to close down temporarily to sort the license out or change their bookings.

Regardless, I'll sign the petition. Admittedly I do want my thrash louder.
Wow, you guys are getting shafted or maybe not..... I guess sound proofing is really expensive if done properly. Good luck with this.
To be perfectly honest, what do people expect living in a house next to a venue where music is played. Its the same as the ones who live next to racing tracks and complain about the noise from them when the track has been there for longer than the person's house. Admittedly it makes more sense complaining about noise in a built up area but really they should have known.
To be perfectly honest, what do people expect living in a house next to a venue where music is played. Its the same as the ones who live next to racing tracks and complain about the noise from them when the track has been there for longer than the person's house. Admittedly it makes more sense complaining about noise in a built up area but really they should have known.

well said, sir.