666 is awesome, just downloaded it the other day. i dont think its their best, but then again who am i to say so cuz ive only heard a few songs by them. but eternity and alternative 4 are on their way!
ah, but 666 is on Pentecost III, it's a ghosttrack
you can find it too on the heavy resonancedisc
it's not my very favourite but who am I to judge about old Anathema, I don't like it that much, it's nice to listen to it once a while, but there are much better things
okay and the doomers here, don't shoot me now
dunno all my copies went missing along with everything from them days I might be able to get a few of them 7"s but I'll give Danny first refusal as I doubt he's got one either. Hmm, I'll call me mate tomorrow