I am not one to brag... err... ok I DO like to brag hehehehe, but I am the one who put up this B-sides list on the old MB, and yes at the time 'Destroyer' wasn´t out soooo here it goes, the ultimate list of Anthrax B-sides and Off-Album tracks:
*B-sides and Off-album songs:
Antisocial French version (w/ Trust singer)
Auf wiedersehen
Ball of confusion (Joey B & John B. on vox)
Bordello of blood
Celebrated summer
Cowboy song
Dethroned emperor (Scott on vox)
Friggin' in the Riggin'
Fueled Remix
Giving the horns
God save the queen (w/ Joey B.)
Grunt & Click
Looking down the barrel of a gun (with the B&B intro and outro)
Lover her all I can (w/ Paul S, & Gene S. on chorus)
No time this time (Frank on vox)
Noisegate (SOWN Demo track)
Phantom lord
Poison my eyes
Remember tomorrow
Sabbath bloody Sabbath (+ Taint, w/ Joey B.)
Snap/ I'd rather be sleeping
The Bends
Watching you
Who put this together?
Bud. E Luvbomb and Satan's Lounge band
*Non Anthrax songs:
Anthrax & Dee Snider: Walk all over you
It's Late (tribute to Queen)
Burnin' Up (Doom Squad)
Rip it out (Tribute to Ace Frehley)
Thorn in youe eye (WWF)
We're all together now (WWF intro)
Blackout (Six feet under w/ John B.)
Whiplash (Metallic Assault w/ Scott & Billy Milano)
Sanatarium (Metallic Assault w/ Scott)
Sad but True (Metallic Assault w/ Joey B.)
(To know in which album was which song look on the Official page, there you´ll find everything. For lyrics, some are on the site too others are not. One great Anthrax site has all this info in a clever way so it is easy to look. Site name is 'Caught in a Mosh' addy:http://hem.passagen.se/anthrax/?noframe)
The minor updates are the addition of some songs and some info: The song 'Wild thing' with Sam Kinison apparently isn´t Anthrax at all. The song Who put this together is a mix of Anthrax tunes, and the Bud E. Luvbomb... is a recording of a bar party it seems. It´s funny.
Aside from that I actually have all those songs on mp3 files and I own a CDR so I burned them on CD after a little sound editing to make the volume of all the songs match (it aint perfect but hell, i aint a Sound tech or anything like that). They fill up 2 80mins Cds, so if anyone is looking for any of these songs just let me know. And I´m also planning on doing the graphic art for a possible B-sides record. A soon as I finish it I will send it to someone in the band, hey who knows, maybe they´ll like it and we will see this dream double disk come true...
Anyways I posted this in a separate post for future referals so don´t lynch me
*B-sides and Off-album songs:
Antisocial French version (w/ Trust singer)
Auf wiedersehen
Ball of confusion (Joey B & John B. on vox)
Bordello of blood
Celebrated summer
Cowboy song
Dethroned emperor (Scott on vox)
Friggin' in the Riggin'
Fueled Remix
Giving the horns
God save the queen (w/ Joey B.)
Grunt & Click
Looking down the barrel of a gun (with the B&B intro and outro)
Lover her all I can (w/ Paul S, & Gene S. on chorus)
No time this time (Frank on vox)
Noisegate (SOWN Demo track)
Phantom lord
Poison my eyes
Remember tomorrow
Sabbath bloody Sabbath (+ Taint, w/ Joey B.)
Snap/ I'd rather be sleeping
The Bends
Watching you
Who put this together?
Bud. E Luvbomb and Satan's Lounge band
*Non Anthrax songs:
Anthrax & Dee Snider: Walk all over you
It's Late (tribute to Queen)
Burnin' Up (Doom Squad)
Rip it out (Tribute to Ace Frehley)
Thorn in youe eye (WWF)
We're all together now (WWF intro)
Blackout (Six feet under w/ John B.)
Whiplash (Metallic Assault w/ Scott & Billy Milano)
Sanatarium (Metallic Assault w/ Scott)
Sad but True (Metallic Assault w/ Joey B.)
(To know in which album was which song look on the Official page, there you´ll find everything. For lyrics, some are on the site too others are not. One great Anthrax site has all this info in a clever way so it is easy to look. Site name is 'Caught in a Mosh' addy:http://hem.passagen.se/anthrax/?noframe)
The minor updates are the addition of some songs and some info: The song 'Wild thing' with Sam Kinison apparently isn´t Anthrax at all. The song Who put this together is a mix of Anthrax tunes, and the Bud E. Luvbomb... is a recording of a bar party it seems. It´s funny.
Aside from that I actually have all those songs on mp3 files and I own a CDR so I burned them on CD after a little sound editing to make the volume of all the songs match (it aint perfect but hell, i aint a Sound tech or anything like that). They fill up 2 80mins Cds, so if anyone is looking for any of these songs just let me know. And I´m also planning on doing the graphic art for a possible B-sides record. A soon as I finish it I will send it to someone in the band, hey who knows, maybe they´ll like it and we will see this dream double disk come true...
Anyways I posted this in a separate post for future referals so don´t lynch me