ULtimate Disappointment for show tonight.

Cyth Darcshyre

New Metal Member
Jun 30, 2003
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I was so close to going to the INFLAMES show tonight but then my friend had to fuck up and his stupid secret plans were revealed..we had to cancel the ride from him now because of some shit.

I was so excited to go too, now i have to find this out last minute, i'm trying as i speak to think of other alternatives ot getting there on a bus ALONE.
Oh well if i go alone who cares anyway i just want to see these guys finally!

ps: is the ppund in a bad area like some people might say?

DAvid :OMG: :yell:
I just got back from in flames tonight. (at the pound)

Ill run down a few things for you.

- Yea the pound is a total trashpit, but wasnt so bad being outside but was cold as hell
-Unearthed sucked. their guitarist had some chops, but the singer blew.
-Soilworked arrived 25minutes late to set because they where stuck in traffic. Their sound sucked, something always seemed to be off when playing. Yet I still think they where pretty good. I got a picture with thier Bassist.
- Chimaria came on, some people liked them, some didnt. I didnt. I wasnt too impressed by them. They filmed a live video. which was kind of neat.

- In flames played for an hour and a half almost. They fucking slayed, best performance I have ever seen. Great sounds, great songs. To my supprise all the RtR sounded awsome, and got a huge crowd response. I met Peter, Bjorn, and my guitar hero Jesper :lol: I have a picture of me w/ Jesper. I took some of the show, but they where being really assy about media passes, so I was stuck taking photo's from far back with a camera that didnt zoom. But in flames was awsome, anders sounded great, had a wonderful mood, and got everybody going. Jesper and Bjorn were dead on. and Peter and Daniel sounded thunderous. Pretty much bow down to in flames.

However the best part of all were In Flames's tshirts they where selling, that said on the front "If you dont like in flames" and then on the back in super huge letters, "EAT A BAG OF SHIT". I thought it was hilarious.

Yep. It was a pretty awsome show. Cheers to In Flames for never letting me down !
paddok said:
-Soilworked arrived 25minutes late to set because they where stuck in traffic.

wrong. Chimaira was running 40 minutes late, they were supposed to play BEFORE Soilwork. I talked to the sound tech and he said they were trying to hold the show for them. Fuck Chimaira, Im gonna be in the video they filmed tho cause I was dead up front :tickled:
Final_Vision said:
wrong. Chimaira was running 40 minutes late, they were supposed to play BEFORE Soilwork. I talked to the sound tech and he said they were trying to hold the show for them. Fuck Chimaira, Im gonna be in the video they filmed tho cause I was dead up front :tickled:

That is what I was told from the Bassist of Soilwork. That like 2/5 of soilwork almost all of chimeria and anders / bjorn where out. Chimeria was supposta play after soilwork that night. (they rotate every show).
Well it was wierd cause during Unearth I asked the guy who was doing mixing in the back who was playing second and he said Chimaira. Than I went up front and they set up Chimairas shit, like a 30 minute delay and Soilwork got up on stage...at any rate it was a bunch of bullshit...5 songs is horrible. They owned for what they did play but man, we missed As We Speak, Disortion Sleep...fuck lol.
@paddok: I would fucking kill to meet Peter, Bjorn, and Jesper. Is it hard to find them? Concert sounded great.
"Unearthed sucked. their guitarist had some chops, but the singer blew."

since when does the unearth guitarist have "chops" they where one of if not the worst band i have ever seen if i wanted to go see some peice of shit play one scale over and over behind his head i could go to a poisen concert fuck unearth for being soo bad long live inflames and soil work and as far as chimera they can eat a bag of shit .. this isnt any thing against the guy who posted the message i just hate unearth
@Incendiare: I thought it was fairly easy actually. Of course I was at a Mudvayne show, and not many people there knew who In Flames were, so there weren't tons of people running around outside looking for In Flames. But me and some other people just stood in front of the bus that we saw Daniel run to. But that was kinda pointless because Jesper walked up from behind us and talked to us, then the rest of the guys came out. But I'ld say its probably easier if they aren't the headliner. I didn't get to talk to Anders much , but everyone else I did. Good guys.
Actually, Soilwork WAS stuck in traffic. They were supposed to go on second at this show, not third (or right before In Flames). Their set time switches at a lot of shows. Only because they were stuck in traffic was I able to see them since I brought the guys back from sightseeing around 745 or so. Pure damned luck that I knew how to get around the traffic! Whew.

@Incendiare - It really, really depends on what show you're wanting to meet them at, how big the venue is, etc. There were a bunch of people after our SF show waiting to meet them. It also depends on if the band is where you can get to them,what mood they are in, how long you're willing to wait, etc.
Yeah, I think when it all comes down to it, luck is the key factor involved. Thanks, Tebus and Squeak.
Last time I've been to an IF headline-show I was just standing outside. Suddenly Anders came out, talking to someone on his mobile for about half an hour! :)
then he went inside again.
A bit later all the guys came out. Got a picture with Daniel and Björn.
Later we also met Peter Tägtgren (Pain has been the support besides Soilwork - BTW: They sucked, very good that the only played 6 or 7 songs! :D ), also got a picture with him.
Again later (inside the venue) we asked Anders and Peter (T.) to sign our tickets.
Good day you could say! :p
Looking forward to the VIENNA METALFEST! Hopefully the guys will show up again!
I didn't get to meet them, but I think they left soon after the show.. I had to get home to sleep since I had to get up at 7 the next day, so maybe next time...
