Ulver collaborates with Sunn O)))


Membrum virile
Jul 28, 2003
Not Siberia
I saw this on the Ulver page:

In between: A collaboration with our long time friend Stephen O'Malley and his SUNN O))) has taken place. The result is a 15 min. epic with Julian Cope speaking out of the dark. The piece is commisioned for a Swedish radio broadcast, and it will be on SUNN O)))'s bastard WHITE 4LP BOX scheduled for spring 2005.


[October 20 2004]

Let me try to predict Adrian's response:

One Inch Man said:
Blood rush...
Boner rising...
Boner extending...
Boner... fully... erect...
<3 = heart on its side = love

I remember seeing it quite often during my brief AOL stint last year, finally figured out what it meant. :loco:
how do you pronounce Sunn 0)))??? particularly the "0)))"? Is that kinda like the Artist formerly known as Prince symbol?
A buddy of mine pronounces it "Sunn Ooooooooooo-o--o-o-ooo" and that pretty much does the job.

Although I doubt the 0))) is pronounced, because Sunn amps (where the band got it's name) are just referred to as Sunn.


I hear that the band tells the audience to lay down and close their eyes or something during the set and they play behind the curtains. Soemthing like that. Anyways, I couldn't even imagine being at a Sunn O))) event. I'd probably either A) have an outer-body experience, or B) throw my guts up. Either way, under the right influences, it would rule.

what is the story with Atilla Csihar (the mad Hungarian :D) doing vocals for these guys ???? found this pic on southern lord with no explanation.
Doomsniffer forgot to mention it's one of the creepiest vocal deliveries EVAR. Think I'll put that on now...
Sunn 0))) is pretty much heavy noise. I prefer their later material (the White Albums :tickled: ) because they rely less on a wall of sound and more on creepy textures. Not as inaccessible as a group like Khanate, but I couldn't recommend these dudes to anyone unless they were looking to be psychologically disturbed.

Sample: http://www.southernlord.com/mp3/sunn_flight.mp3

@lurch: Quick! Who would win in a fisticuffs match, Landau or Lugosi? :loco: