Ulver or why the hell did I buy this album?

Autumn Falls

Ace Harding, P.I.
Jul 9, 2001
Denton, TX
Alright hey guys..

Well I've heard so much great stuff about Ulver on this board and well just basically that.. but last Tuesday after work when I saw Nattens Madrigal and picked it up.. when I first put it on I was like ooh great.. no production.. I mean I wasn't even mad I got this cd.. it's just ridiculous. I mean are there people that actually like that kind of thing? Maybe if the guys would have made it somewhat listenable it would be a mediocre disc! Now can someone tell me what I should look for or if I'm missing something?

It wasn't all a loss though because that night I also got Sigh "Imaginary Soundscape" and then last night I got Virgin Black's new cd and Angel Dust "Bleed"... while I think VB and Sigh are very promising Angel Dust is cool but nothing to blow my mind at all so far..

I have a theory

I do get some new bands that I never heard of from this forum but then either first download an mp3 by them or listen to them in the shop before buying it! people have different tastes in music even if it is the same genre.
Originally posted by Autumn Falls
but last Tuesday after work when I saw Nattens Madrigal and picked it up..

All Ulver albums sound so different from each other, they might as well be different bands releasing the albums.

You picked their 'raw tr00' album. The album before that one was totally acoustic. The album after that went electronic...
shit aye, i read about Virgin Black's new cd on Satan Stole My Teddybear, it sounds damn awesome, and from what i know they're an aussie band. of course i could be wrong, or SSMT could be wrong =]

i want a copy of it!
rip it and hook up with me so i can score the mp3s off ya ?@! ;)) haven't been able to find virgin black aaanywhere on mirc or the web. mebbe im just unlucky
Autumn Falls.....Ulver is a unique musical entity...Garm, the lead singer (Of Arcturus, ex-Borknagar as well) uses it as a unique way to express himself, and it just so happens that two albums are black metal...here's a breakdown for ya:

Bergtatt-Ulver's first album. Black metal with almost gregorian chant style clean vox and folk/classical acoustic passages. Very somber and uniquely dark sounding, with good but not great production.

Kvelldsanger- Expands on the folkish classical themes found brefly on Bergtatt. All acoustic with no identifiable percussion. Garms lush vocals really shine on this one, as does Haavards remarkable phrasing on guitar. The title says it all: "Evening Songs". Great production

Nattens MAdrigal- You kow already...hehhe

Themes from William Blake's 'The Marriage of Heaven and Hell"- Epic, insanely ambitious undertaking. Two discs that set William Blakes poem to music, with the music being a strange combo of techn, industrial, hard rock, spoken word, metal, and dark ambient. Very cool indeed.

Metamorphosis- Don't own this, but this EP is said to expand on the techno element.

Perdition City- A more laid back, emotional product... almost soundtrack like in quality...very cool...

The Silence makes you sing- EP of dark ambient/piano/improv on a theme from Perdition City

Silencing the Singing- DOn't own it yet...
Originally posted by Autumn Falls
Alright hey guys..

Well I've heard so much great stuff about Ulver on this board and well just basically that.. but last Tuesday after work when I saw Nattens Madrigal and picked it up.. when I first put it on I was like ooh great.. no production.. I mean I wasn't even mad I got this cd.. it's just ridiculous. I mean are there people that actually like that kind of thing? Maybe if the guys would have made it somewhat listenable it would be a mediocre disc! Now can someone tell me what I should look for or if I'm missing something?

Nattens Madrigal is by far Ulver's best CD. Guess raw metal isn't for you.
if i heard correctly, garm recorded nattens madrigal like that to get out of a Century Media record deal...

or is that just a silly rumor?

(purely based on musicianship, i think nattens madrigal was one of their best.... it's just hard to hear it :)
And don't forget that Nattens was recorded in a forest!!!

Well ok, it wasn't, but that was a rumour that flew around for ages :lol:. Garm spent ages in the studio stripping the sound to get it that crap. Like all Ulver stuff, it needs to be taken in context. It's good, but if you're just looking for a casual metal album, it's not good.

Yeah with inorder to be true you have to sound like you recorded on a 1/4th track in a cellar. Wrath of the tyrants and Translyvanian hunger are two more examples of this hilariously sad attempt at being "EVIL". And atmosphere HA! That isnt atmosphere it ruins the atmosphere!