UN Study: Earth's Health Deteriorating


Apr 17, 2005
Growing populations and expanding economic activity have strained the planet's ecosystems over the past half century, a trend that threatens international efforts to combat poverty and disease, a U.N.-sponsored study of the Earth's health warned on Wednesday.

The four-year, $24 million Millennium Ecosystem Assessment found humans have caused heavy damage or depleted portions of the world's farmlands, forests and watercourses.

Unless nations adopt more eco-friendly policies, increased human demands for food, clean water and fuels could speed the disappearance of forests, fish and fresh water reserves and lead to more frequent disease outbreaks over the next 50 years, it warned.


[ Not rocket science to figure this one out, but it's good to see the untermenschen finally got it into print. ]
One of my wacko friends was telling me how chemicals have poisoned the earth, and that in another 50 years life on earth may be increbibly difficult. She says that if the rates of cancer, birth defects, psychological disorders, and other health problems brought on by these chemicals used in everything keep increasing like they have for the last 50 years, in another 50 years, it would be rare for one to be healthy. Of course she goes on about the conspiracy theory shit, which infoterror's last article I believe adequately addressed.

Anyway, its hard not to agree with most of these observations.