Unanimated - In the Light of Darkness

Dec 21, 2003
Sudbury, Canada
Unanimated - In the Light of Darkness
Regain Records - 2008
By Adam McAuley


A very passionate approach is on display here as we can sense some strong melodic death metal being performed. The band fires on all cylinders for the length of the release and come across as strong as possible on all fronts. The aura they give off is one that has a sort of classic savour and takes you in for the ride quite effectively. Of course, the melodic black metal style has some huge similarities to Dissection which they emulate splendidly, but add their own characteristic sound as well. Treading paths of familiarity helps to become acquainted with the sound they have portrayed quite well.

The riff patterns are fairly simple, but manage to keep you enthralled with all the excitement that is to be made from them. The tempo of the songs is also quite fast and draws you into the overlying chaos that takes place beneath it. Overall, we’re left with a metal feast that is very entertaining and solid in its style. Unanimated manage to take sounds that have been created in the past and add their own flair to the work. The title track “In the Light of Darkness” is one of the stronger ones present and catches your attention.

Altogether, there is very little to fault with the album as it is quite consistent in its quality all the way from beginning to end. The style used may be like what you’ve heard in the past, but its done so well that you won’t notice one bit. In the Light of Darkness comes recommended to anyone looking for a strong metal album that never ceases to let up and has a thorough quality attached to its entire existence.

Official Unanimated Website
Official Regain Records Website