Unearthly Trance - The Trident

Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002
I'm happy to say Unearthly Trance is back on track after that last album. They're also on Relapse now.

The production on this albums is awesome. Drums are just thunderous, guitars are absolutely in your face. It reminds me of Khanate's production, where you can hear every little noise each instrument makes.

The album has some great variation. Songs are much faster than in the past, but they mix it up with the slow, grim, cold doom of the past as well.

Just a great album. Hopefully some of you guys will check it out. Think of Khanate, Darkthrone, and High on Fire all rolled into one band.

Samples can be posted, but they will be in WMA, because I'm not ripping the CD again. So if you want 'em, that's what you'll get.
Here's a song where he actually sings in a more classic metal way at times. Very surprising, but he still goes back to his rasp and scream. A nice variation on this song.

This song is more sinister, but also shows how they are becoming masters at mixing slow and faster doom/BM type stuff.

EDIT: I seriously challenge anybody on this forum to listen to these songs and tell me they don't kick ass.