UneXpect - In A Flesh Aquarium

Krilons Resa

Jerry's married?!
Nov 7, 2002
Inside dorian's gym bag.


Okay, wtf?! This is some fucked up shit. Crazy technicality, female operatic vocals, death grunts, blackened screams, blistering guitarwork, insane bass playing, violin, jazzy, extremely avant-garde, cinematic, chaotic, and the list goes on and on and on. It's like Arcturus, Frank Zappa, Sleepytime Gorilla Museum, Mr. Bungle, Fantomas, and a bunch of other influences (not to mention a few blotters of acid) thrown into a blender. I dont even know where to begin.

Im sure some of you know this album. LOTS to digest. I dont know whether to absolutely adore it or hate it. The more I listen to it though, the more it sinks in.

Again... :zombie:
They just played live a few blocks away from me a couple days ago but I didn't end up going mostly because the other bands were boring nu-goth. Maybe if they play again I'll go.
I plan on seeing them in a few months when they come around with Nile and someone else I forget. I only want to see them as I hear they are amazing live and pull this shit off without a hitch. I need to see this.
Givin this shit another shot as ov right now.

edit: Ken - maybe a little bitter, and maybe a little less than ok but who really is? :loco:

But that is besides the point that I hated this band's live performance at Day of the Equinox and have tried to enjoy them several times but it's just. not. good. imo.
Givin this shit another shot as ov right now.

edit: Ken - maybe a little bitter, and maybe a little less than ok but who really is? :loco:

But that is besides the point that I hated this band's live performance at Day of the Equinox and have tried to enjoy them several times but it's just. not. good. imo.

Yeah, I hear ya. I wouldnt expect too many people to be into something like this as it's so.frrrrreaking.out.there. In so many ways.

I hear ya, on the "who really is" thing. Keep your chin up my man. I'm trying to fight some demons myself lately.
This album sounds like La Masquerade Infernale on speed meeting Mr. Bungle in a head on collision, or nine mental patients in different rooms playing the craziest shit they're capable of at once without realizing they're being recorded, yet somehow it works, on the level of pure mindfuck of course.
It's tons of fun to watch them all play, but their music is a bit too chaotic to be able to really get into it in a live setting, which leads to a lot of standing-and-staring, which isn't the greatest sort of live experience for me. And on record, it's pretty good in bursts, but either I'm not smart enough to hear the songs in there, or there aren't songs in there.

They're obviously a talented bunch of musicians (the bass player is absolutely nuts), but they can't write a decent/coherent song for beans...bleh...they're on tour right now with Nile. There's an interesting couple
I've been told that they are playing the new england fest this year. Combine that with Paganfest, and some other bands that I've heard are attending from a reliable source, I'll probably actually go this year.