

New Metal Member
Unholy Scriptures is here to provide quality information about the underground metal scene. The information given here is brought to you by loyal followers of the underground. We are here to keep the metal scene alive by promoting the true warriors that make the foundation of this unholy society even that much stonger.

SUPPORT THE UNDERGROUND!:rock: :muahaha: :Shedevil:

Visit Often and Please Sign the Guestbook!
Originally posted by AngelinaDLM
Unholy Scriptures is here to provide quality information about the underground metal scene. The information given here is brought to you by loyal followers of the underground. We are here to keep the metal scene alive by promoting the true warriors that make the foundation of this unholy society even that much stonger.

SUPPORT THE UNDERGROUND!:rock: :muahaha: :Shedevil:

Visit Often and Please Sign the Guestbook!

Hm.. www.uhholyscriptures.com ? :p

http://unholyscriptures.com/ ;)