Uni assignment - Operation Rip off Paramore!


Dec 8, 2008
So my uni has requested that i take a chart tune from the last 3 years and 'emulate' the writing style, lyric content and mix.

I chose Decode - Paramore if you couldn't already guess by listening :p

This is what ive ended up with;


Not really a serious mix as my tutors arent the best ears ive ever come across but crit, advice and comments are always welcome!

Guitars - Amplitube > lolzgreg impulse > EQ
Bass - Ampeg > Dist > EQ > Comp > Limit
Drums - s.2 with a shit tone of processing as per

Vocals will be recorded later this week :)

Also!! if anyone would like to contribute to the track that'd be awesome too!
anything cheesy and awesome ;)

it was more a subjective thing of

pick a track

take influence from it

record it / produce it

explain the changes you made in a 1,000 word write up etc
but if going for the 1:1 sound difference:

- all your guitars have too much gain and presence/treble
- the guitar in the beginning doesn't have similiar delay like the original does
- the bass(?) distortion needs to be lowpassed, I can hear some frequency that sounds like harmonic of a DC hum
- also the presence/snap of drums is a bit too much front in the mix, try a really wide but shallow dip (like -1 to -4dB) near 3.5khz

you can clearly hear from the mix that you are a metal guy, because everything has a lot of stuff in the 1-6khz region, when the original doesn't
hmm very good point dude, much appreciated :)

i'll take a gander at what you've suggested.. esp the bass note because i assumed my ears where tired when i thought i could hear something along those lines.

ill just take a shallow dip out of the main drum bus ? but exclude the cymbals ?

thanks again