United and damaged guitar! Gotta love it!


Maidens' drums
Aug 2, 2002
A musician named Dave Carroll recently had difficulty with United Airlines. United apparently damaged his treasured Taylor guitar during a flight. Dave spent over 9 months trying to get United to pay for damages caused by baggage handlers to his custom Taylor guitar. During his final exchange with the United Customer Relations Manager, he stated that he was left with no choice other than to create a music video for youtube exposing their lack of cooperation. The Manager responded : "Good luck with that one, pal".
So he posted a retaliatory video on youtube. The video has since received over 5.5 million hits. United Airlines contacted the musician and attempted settlement in exchange for pulling the video. Naturally his response was: "Good luck with that one, pal".

Taylor Guitars sent the musician 2 new custom guitars in appreciation for the product recognition from the video that has lead to a sharp increase in orders.

Here's the video:

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Great story! I fucking abhor United Airlines! Complete disgrace to all Americans. China Eastern wasn't even as bad as United. The flight attendants couldn't give service if their lives depended on it. The fuckin flight attendant spilt coffee on me and then yelled at me. Every other flight is delayed and they keep you waiting for hours. I'm not surprised one of those fat ugly flight attendants smashed his custom Taylor. She probably did it on purpose. Nastiest looking flight attendants on the planet!

Cathay Pacific, Singapore Air, these airlines treat you right!
That video is hilarious! I've had so many suitcases and bags trashed by airlines, one day I actually saw how they do it. The video is sadly, pretty accurate. Sitting in a window seat and waiting for the rest of the plane to board, I saw the baggage crew loading the plane next to me. In direct clear view to me, I saw the baggage go up that conveyer belt into the plane, a baggage worker in the plane would grab the bag and throw it further inside the plane. Bag after bag after bag, he'd just chuck them. Unless your bag is well padded or an armor box, it'll get trashed.
Oddly enough, I never had a problem flying United (or even their ill-fated local carrier TED). Knock on wood, perhaps. Philippine Airlines service is at most average, but I'm not complaining, as I get to fly them for free. :heh: The best for me so far has been Cathay Pacific and Dragonair (which happens to be owned by Cathay Pacific).

Quite possibly the worst airline service I had was with TWA; but then again, look what happened to them.
Classic! :lol: Yeah, screw United--they don't even give you any goddamn peanuts anymore! Southwest rules--they don't charge for you to check a bag AND your small companion animals can fly with you in the cabin.

...And they DO give out free peanuts (and pretzels...).
I have flown with my Fender Strat all across the globe. You bring it on the plane and go up to one of the flight attendants and ask to put it in their jacket closet. Works everytime. Only person that ever gave me shit was some overzealous lady in Tokyo who 10 minutes before boarding asked me to check it in. I just said no and scared her with my whiteness and everything worked out.
I can agree with this thread... I have a video of two baggage handlers actually slamming the luggage on the loading belt going into the airplane. One the the llast bags was actually mine! GOD was I angry. Had my small amp in it. It survived though, but, if I could have got off that plane those guys wouldn't have... I think it took mode energy for them to slam them down than to just place them down.

I should upload my video somewhere... It was United Airlines, and I believe I was in Chicago on a stop-ver from Iraq. But I could find ou exactly. I was even zooming in on their faces and nametags as they were doing it.

Perhaps if someone made a website where everyone could upload their `destruction video's' this would be minimized.

I'm having a custom made US MASTERS guitar made while I'm back in the states. It should be in my hands DEC 8 :) - I'll carry it on and have the stewardess put it away. I won't check it.

At least I know they'll do it now.. :)
I can agree with this thread... I have a video of two baggage handlers actually slamming the luggage on the loading belt going into the airplane. One the the llast bags was actually mine! GOD was I angry. Had my small amp in it. It survived though, but, if I could have got off that plane those guys wouldn't have... I think it took mode energy for them to slam them down than to just place them down.

I should upload my video somewhere... It was United Airlines, and I believe I was in Chicago on a stop-ver from Iraq. But I could find ou exactly. I was even zooming in on their faces and nametags as they were doing it.

Perhaps if someone made a website where everyone could upload their `destruction video's' this would be minimized.

I'm having a custom made US MASTERS guitar made while I'm back in the states. It should be in my hands DEC 8 :) - I'll carry it on and have the stewardess put it away. I won't check it.

At least I know they'll do it now.. :)

This was evne with a 'fragile' note u added? assuming u did

btw: ups is 10x worse than airlines hate to say lol. Always pack well!!

btw: ups is 10x worse than airlines hate to say lol. Always pack well!!


Oh, those guys are the pits! I had my stuff shipped through them from L.A. to WA last year and discovered that my desktop computer was shot and my flatbed scanner broke on the glass screen. They were obsolete, anyway; but still, I won't be doing business with them again. :mad:
I have to say that United is getting a little better. I used to fly Lufthansa so I got spoiled by free drinks and hot attendants. My first long flight with United was going to be my last at any cost! Total flamer with an attitude as a stewardess! Ran down the isles with water - the only free drink on the plane! lol! I had a window seat and the isle seat guy was sleeping, I pushed the call button for some water and the "BItch boy" kept walking by and turning the light off without asking if I needed anything! lol!! 5 or 6 times!!! Someone smoked a cig in the bathroom and the Bitch was livid!!! Funny stuff, but pissed me off!! Had good flights my last 2 flights with them, I hope it stays this way!
I have to say that United is getting a little better. I used to fly Lufthansa so I got spoiled by free drinks and hot attendants. My first long flight with United was going to be my last at any cost! Total flamer with an attitude as a stewardess! Ran down the isles with water - the only free drink on the plane! lol! I had a window seat and the isle seat guy was sleeping, I pushed the call button for some water and the "BItch boy" kept walking by and turning the light off without asking if I needed anything! lol!! 5 or 6 times!!! Someone smoked a cig in the bathroom and the Bitch was livid!!! Funny stuff, but pissed me off!! Had good flights my last 2 flights with them, I hope it stays this way!

I don't see them getting better. I just flew on United last week to DC and they still practice shitty service, including turning off the call button without asking if I needed anything! Like you, I also had a window seat. I hit the call button because their stupid "Food for Purchase" program that hardly anybody buys buzzed through so fast they missed me. So I hit the call button. Waiting for at least 5-10 minutes (while watching them refill others coffee and water) I noticed the call light was no longer illuminated. What the hell??? So I hit the button again. About 4-5 minutes later I see out of the corner of my eye the stewardess turned off the button and started walking away! I couldn't believe it!! I had to say with a raised voice that I wanted something. I was so pissed at this person for how stupid they were. Hitting them in the head with a brick wouldn't help them. I mean C'mon, the light is on because I want something! DAHHH!!! Oh yes, and the food I bought sucked huge donkey dick too. I had a non-stop flight to DC and I knew I needed to eat something. With a morning flight, the best they had to offer was a ham & cheese croissant. Sounds good right? Well, not on United. This thing was plucked right out of the freezer. It was cold and hard. For five bucks they could atleast warm it. United blows. Every time I've flown United in the past I've had some sort of bad experience, but this one was the final straw. I won't be booking them anymore as long as I can help it.
I usually fly with Continental since that's where my frequent flier mileage is at. Way better airline. However, I still believe foreign airlines have the best service. Like you said, they really do spoil you. Free drinks (including alcohol), better food, better service.