Universal Audio Apollo Twin


Jan 22, 2009
Just announced. Looks cool. Perfect for a home setup.


1 set of monitor outs though... These desktop interfaces really need to serve as a monitor controller too in my opinion. I'd have to hold on to my central station for instance.

Audient iD22 is cheaper and has been reviewed very well.
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I've been reading up on this and it looks great. I'm sure there are a lot of people that would love to be working with Apollo quality pres/converters and DSP but can't afford it all. This is going to be much more affordable for the mainstream. The Mac only thing makes me scratch my head but I guess this is going to be true Thunderbolt connectivity. Whatever that means?

I love my Apollo, so this will just be getting better recording tools into the masses hands! Go UA! Best plug ins in the business IMHO!
The Mac-only part is only because Microsoft still doesn't have a generic driver for Thunderbolt. Each manufacturer is having to supply their own, so UA is not developing drivers for this until it becomes more standard on Windows. Not UA's fault.

Only Thunderbolt? What the fuck are they thinking?

Honestly, kinda glad they did only Thunderbolt. Maybe it'll make developers get off their asses and actually utilize it. The protocol has been out for years, along with USB3.0 and barely anything is using either one.
Mac only isn't all that surprising. Apogee have been doing that for a while I guess.

I agree with the above post about Thunderbolt, if it's that great, more people should utilize it and hopefully this is the first step.
Looks perfect for my home rig.... But I'll have to buy a new Mac Pro.... So that's off the cards then!
Looks very nice, but it sucks that the SPDIF is optical. If it was coax I'd probably buy one.