Tough times dude? I know the feeling :erk: Are you in Worcester now?

Yes sir. I left The Guitar Clinic two weeks ago and I don't start my job in Worcester for another two weeks. I just had to pay $675 in parking tickets thanks to the meter guy in Oneonta being a little twat and another $320 in a car repair the next day, so I blew right through the money I had stashed aside to hold me over until I started my job. So, I'm selling off some toys.
Christ, that's definitely an unexpected financial pain in the ass - what've you got lined up in Worcester dude? (and I'm keeping this thread bumped, so I don't feel bad for the OT :D)
I'll be working for a little for my cousin who owns a bar and restaurant and also for a staging company moving sets and setting up lights. Basically piecing things together.