UNIVERSAL- Street Team Omega

Jun 19, 2002
From Scott/The End Records:

In light of Borknagar's crushing new release "Universal", Street Team Omega has setup a brand new project to help spread the word and whip the music community into a furor over this awesome music! It's super easy to join and even easier to help out a band that you love! Even awesomer, helping to spread the word around the internets garners you points you can spend on cool and awesome stuff in our store! Getting cool stuff for helping out a band that rocks your face; what could be better??? Check it out here: http://www.fan2band.com/home.php
:lol: Did you write this or is it a press release? Either way looks good, sign me up! Although I don't see Borknagar listed in the drop down where it says to sign up...
I tried to see how this work, but I can't see the way. I can't find the page for Borknagar in that.