Unleashed - Sworn Allegiance


Forest: Sold Out
Jul 5, 2003
Unleashed – Sworn Allegiance
Century Media Records – September 7th, 2004
By Jason Jordan


Unleashed write good music, but their song titles/lyrics makes them seem kinda goofy. Musically speaking, this is good 'ol Swedish death. Lyrically speaking, the album touches on everything from winter to Tolkien to corporate America. There’s simply too much variation in the subject matter, which is a bit ridiculous. So, that’s my most pertinent qualm about Sworn Allegiance.

“Winterland” introduces us to the record by delving into superb, musical territory. Make no mistake about it, Unleashed can play. Double-bass drumming and the occasional lead permeate the three-minute slab. “Destruction (of the Race of Men)” begins with a cool riff that is effortlessly followed by a rhythmically-sound backdrop. “Only the Dead” presents melody in the mellow sections of the piece, while Johnny (bass, vocals) drones on endlessly:
I only fuck the dead!

Uh, yeah, okay. “The Longships are Coming” contains one of the best riffs on Sworn Allegiance. The former track is perhaps the most enjoyable track on the release. The band tear through song after song, and most compositions fail to significantly reach over the three-minute mark. “Attack!,” “CEO,” and “Praised be the Lord” are only slightly above a couple minutes each. Still, the album packs in about forty-five minutes of music.

It’s difficult for me to give a solid recommendation based on the triteness and stupidity of the lyrical presentation. I must admit that I prefer a certain amount of intelligence within my music, or I want material that I can at least stomach. So, even though Unleashed’s façade is utterly laughable, they prove themselves to be adequate musicians able of composing winding, intricate song structures. If you don’t mind their silliness – by all means – check them out.


Official Unleashed website
Official Century Media website