Unsilence - A Walk Through Oceans


Jul 15, 2001
The starry attic
Unsilence - A Walk Through Oceans
Golden Lake Productions - September 2002
By Russell Garwood

English collective Unsilence have been going for ten years, with several demos and an unreleased album under their belt. The group's latest MCD, "A Walk Through Oceans" continues in a similar vein to it's predecessor "Transfiguration"; slow to mid-paced doom songs which ring of early Anathema and My Dying Bride, with epic leanings. Andrew Hodson's vocals are all sung, and while occasionally not in tune, are generally good, his low range suiting the melancholic mood well. The considered, forlorn riffage of James Kilmurray and Kieron Touhey is effective, sporadically yielding to cleaner tones which help contrast the harsher majority. Bass by David Elliott helps create a solid, powerful sound, enhanced by clear production. The drums of Jonathon Gibbs are simplistic yet fitting, while his sparse keyboards are well-placed and effective.

Death-influenced sections help create some variety in the predominantly doom songs, but this doesn't prevent the music sometimes feeling samey, not helped by the fact that there are relatively few catchy tunes in what is otherwise a melodic sound. Solid song-writing can counteract this some of the time, and flowing changes in time and character also help. Hence "A Walk Through Oceans" is a necessity for fans of doom, and heavy downcast music, while those used to an upbeat sound may find it more of a challenge.