Upcoming for June 03 issue of LotFP

Jim LotFP

The Keeper of Metal
Jun 7, 2001
Helsinki, Finland
Might as well start this now to start publicizing the new format a month and a half out. ;)

Interviews in the can and present:

Andromeda (40 min)
The Gathering (40 min)
Usurper (40 min)

Interviews in the can and I'm waiting for them to come back from transcription:

Chrome Shift (30 min)
Pharaoh (2 hours)
While Heaven Wept (1.5 hours)

Forest Stream (not officially set yet, waiting for word from Earache)
The Provenance (not officially set yet but contact has been made)

Don't know if they'll all fit in, but the order of priority will be Provenance, Solefald, Pharaoh, While Heaven Wept, Gathering, Forest Stream, then we'll see how the others fit in with all the reviews I'll have.

Plus the LotFP Genre Guide and Glossary of Terms. Samples:

Death Metal A style of metal characterized in its purest form by downtuned guitars and unintelligible vocals (which means it’s different than nu metal in that .the musicians are hoping ten thousand people buy their record rather than ten million). Generally played by one of two groups: Older (as in over thirty) musicians trying to recapture their teenage years, upset that the kids these days aren’t buying the ten to fifteen year old classic albums, so they make albums that try to sound like but aren’t as good as those old albums so kids these days think all the classic death metal is lame. The other group playing this are teenagers who think blurry fast music combined with gory or pornographic (or a combination!) imagery or lyrics is still shocking or interesting.

Magazine (noun) A widely distributed publication where an editor frantically matches promotional CDs to journalists who will favorably review them in order to keep record labels paying for their glossy covers. The amount of critical editorial content is inversely proportional to the number of color glossy pages that need to be financed

Promotional CD (noun) Often abbreviated as ‘promo CD.’ A copy of music product, often with incomplete packaging, sent free of charge by a record label to a writer of a fanzine, magazine, or webzine, in order to guilt them into listening to and writing about the promo CD rather than something they would otherwise want to be listening to or writing about. Alternate definition: Source of journalist lunch money.

I took a look at how long the Pharaoh transcription really was, and plans changed. It's over ten pages all by itself...

First issue for MAY, with Pharaoh, Andromeda, The Gathering, and Usurper.