Upcoming interviews...

Jim LotFP

The Keeper of Metal
Jun 7, 2001
Helsinki, Finland
Already completed:

Rhapsody, Rage, Aesma Daeva, Sentenced, Dream Evil

To be done later today and tomorrow:

Shroud of Despondency, Summer Dying, Arcturus

Dream Evil and Sentenced interviews will run the same week their new albums are released in the US (6/28 and 7/2, respectively), the others are going to run ASAP, as space permits (Aesma Daeva for sure in this next issue...)... a four issue subscription will get all of these for sure (pending the latter three happening as scheduled of course)...

You know you don't want to miss these (Aesma Daeva and Rhapsody interviews are really good, the Rhapsody especially I think I asked all the 'What the hell are you thinking?' questions everyone always asks (Thunderforce vs Holzwarth, Aresius, cover art of the first two albums, the cheese factor, Sir Jay Lansford's complete inadequacy in filling his role...), others are at the least OK (but you know me, if it doesn't last six hours and 40 pages, I automatically just think it's OK... hahaha)...

So yeah...!