Upcoming Reviews - leaving beer coaster promos aside


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
So in light of the launch of RC v2.0, and to get into the swing of writing again, I've asked the staff to choose some of our personal faves/"classics"/relevant releases(good or bad)/milestones/whatever for review -- you know, something that we're going to enjoy writing for ourselves, as opposed to spending 'prison-time' with some unwanted label promo.

Feel free to make suggestions (ideas are welcome), but don't take it personally if we choose otherwise. I've asked the team to come up with 5 releases that they have some personal attachment to. I'll let them share with you what they are (if they so choose).

There's a good chance you'll already own some of them, but that's ok -- it might spark good discussion, whether you agree with the review or not. At the end of the day, it's just a question of maintaining one's sanity. :tickled:
Crimson Velvet said:
I still can't believe that you don't have a single Immortal review! What kind of 'zine is this!?!?!

That's kinda my point. We're constantly drowning in new promo backlogs, and we've forgotten what the bigger picture is.

We don't have reviews for Immortal, Judas Priest, Carcass...ugh, the list is endless.
Duplicate of the email I just sent:

Kyuss - And the Circus Leaves Town and/or Sky Valley
Unida - the unreleased album that Jive Records REFUSES to release, so the copy I have can't even be considered "self-released"
Hermano - Dare I Say
Neurosis - The Eye of Every Storm
Kayo Dot - Choirs of the Eye
Also I should do some Danzig, Pantera, Primus, White Zombie, Type O Negative, whatever since like, I grew up on them shitz.
Yep. I'd be willing to tackle that one if nobody else wants to. I need to spend some more time with it first though (I want to anyhow).

BWD is gone dude, no sense in requesting something from him. :loco:
What the...? Looks like my suggestion is paying off. So really, reviewing your own shitz makes all the difference, huh?

Yep, I've got that Kyuss and I've also got "...Sky Valley" which I bought on half.com about 1 year ago for $2.
Promos tend to be a chore. Doing reviews for shit I already know and like (or dislike) is infinitely more enjoyable, and just requires transferring all the thoughts I already have concerning the albums to el computer screeno.

Listen to Circus first, it's easier to get into. Sky Valley requires patience and concentration if you truly want to enjoy it (well worth it, just time consuming).