Update: DVD begins shipping today (2/7/07)

Just got mine today. Favorites are Vision Divine, Epica, Freak Kitchen and Savage Circus. Evergrey and and Mercenary are great too. Overall awesome dvd.
Sweet! Look what just showed up in my mail today! Can't wait to get this on my 55-incher backed up with some serious Klipsch speakers and B&K amplification! This will be just like reliving PP 7 all over again!
Okay the Pony Express made it thru today and guess what??? WOOOOHOOOOOO he had my dvd and cd.

After sitting and watching the entire DVD i have only a few things to say, please watch it on a good system with good speakers, it is awesome and will blow you away. The sound is spectacular. It is clear and and crisp. The video is also clear, so clear in fact you can see, if you look real closely, Simoe's dimple on her cheek, and the eyeliner sparkle she is wearing.


All in all this a DVD/CD set well worth the money, if you don't have it get it. Thanks Glenn for doing this.
Just so folks know, I was only a consultant in the process in terms of song selection. Lucid Lounge did the packaging, menus, etc. I'll let them know the screw up on the cd track listing.

The reason for the fluctuation in sound is that certain bands mixed their own songs. While Lucid Lounge attempted to equalize those withe the ones he mixed himself, it was a difficult process considering how many different people were in control of the knobs, especially given the budget and time constraints of the project.

While the music part of this DVD is pretty good, what happened to all of the fans? What happened to all the behind the scenes footage? The corsette girls? Stage diving? Where's Dorian? What happened to the rest of the festival?:ill: :yuk: :erk: :cry:
I got mine today (at last)! Unfortunately, I haven't had a chance to watch the DVD or listen to the CD, but that will change shortly.
Whoohoo! got mine today. complaint on the postal worker who shoved it in my mailbox upright:mad: tough job remaining calm enough not to shred the dvd case. I'm just curious to know what the Parental Advisory Explicit Content is all about. :oops: Bummer there's no stage dive clips
Just a follow up to my last post. I don't want this to be a personal attack or anything like that, but I found myself very disapointed with the entire DVD. I thought the Evergrey tracks were possibly the worst. Most people have already agreed that CircleIICircle turned out real well. There's no doubt, that most of the video was clean and well shot from a picture quality standpoint, but where all the extra "stuff"? Glenn maybe you better go back to making the DVDs, they were much more entertaining, and they aleast showed the whole festival:kickass:
Just a follow up to my last post. I don't want this to be a personal attack or anything like that, but I found myself very disapointed with the entire DVD. I thought the Evergrey tracks were possibly the worst. Most people have already agreed that CircleIICircle turned out real well. There's no doubt, that most of the video was clean and well shot from a picture quality standpoint, but where all the extra "stuff"? Glenn maybe you better go back to making the DVDs, they were much more entertaining, and they aleast showed the whole festival:kickass:

This DVD was never intended to show the entire festival. That had already been done. I did hope to include bonus footage of the festival, but I announced that would not be happening as planned very early on here on the forum in a *sticky* post. There were major problems in terms of the audio/video footage of the general festival stuff. It would have been like going from HD to Real Player at 64 Kbs. While the regular attendee would probably not mind, anyone not familiar with the festival would have complained about the obvious difference in quality and deemed it a cheap dvd with an amateur production. That was not a risk LLounge or myself wanted to take especially when cranking out something in four months that most spend a year on to produce.

The plan is to make that footage available here on the website on the next few months. "Cowboys from Hell" is the first thing scheduled to go up.

As for your song selection complaints, you are entitled to your own opinion. My only rebuttal is that I have access to the entire performance and chose those two based on both an audio and video performance of the raw footage, not just simply a favorite, a popular song, or which one has the potential to be mixed to perfection. Obviously you feel that your memory of exact audio levels, performance and lighting levels is better than my viewing of the material and that is fine. As I said previously, some bands spent a lot of time and effort on mixing their own material and you will see the difference. Whether or not that is a good or bad thing is a debate that has already been opened in this thread.

You are entitled to your disappointment in the dvd and I do not take it as a personal attack. I think you set yourself up for disappointment based on your personal expectations of what you wanted on the dvd, not what was intended all along.
Our DVD showed up yesterday. Popped it into the DVD player at lunchtime to check out some of the songs. First of all, the picture quality is impressive, especially on the big screen. The sound is also good (have not checked the DTS version yet), but some of the bands sound better than others (it has already been explained that many different people were involved in the mixing process, so that explains that).

The Freak Kitchen stuff rules, as does the Circus Maximus performance. I'll have to sit down and watch the whole thing in one sitting, but overall it's a damn nice DVD. Highly recommended even if you were not at PP last year.

I received mne yesterday! It rocks... and as for song selection, the fact that Mother of Light was one of the Epica tunes made my day! Love that song!
Zero Hour and Mercenary were the other two I went straight too, will catch the rest later!

While the music part of this DVD is pretty good, what happened to all of the fans? What happened to all the behind the scenes footage? The corsette girls? Stage diving? Where's Dorian? What happened to the rest of the festival?:ill: :yuk: :erk: :cry:

That's what I was wondering too.

Harvester said:
This DVD was never intended to show the entire festival.
Grrr... that kind of sucks and I wasn't really aware of that fact. I was looking forward to something similar to the first DVD.

Harvester said:
I think you set yourself up for disappointment based on your personal expectations of what you wanted on the dvd, not what was intended all along.

Harvester said:
The plan is to make that footage available here on the website on the next few months. "Cowboys from Hell" is the first thing scheduled to go up.
I'm not that much of a techno geek, but can anyone tell me if there is a way to burn this on to a disk so that it will work/ play in my DVD player?


Yeap only 2 minor complaints. The artwork is horrendous, and the shipping wasnt the best.

Overall though, I appreciate Glenn, and Lucid Lounge for giving us this DVD in the first place.

In the end its money I dont regret spending.
I unfortunately haven't received mine yet.

That all said, I would rather have paid 60 bucks and received a multi-DVD pack of all the bands that agreed to be taped than spend 20 bucks on two tracks from each band. I'd personally pay another 50 dollars to have the whole fest included. And money is tight with me right now. I have a 1700 dollar property tax bill to pay.

Anyone else feel the same way? I know Glenn will probably reply with some reasoning as to why it could never happen that way.

The Michael
The DVD arrived yesterday at my folks house in Oregon. Now I just have to wait for the turnaround time to expire, but Mom is usually good about that kind of stuff... not that I expect she'll overnight/FedEx it, but I'm certain it was at least mailed today... ;)