Updated Trade & Want Lists


New Metal Member
Jul 26, 2002
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Trade List:

3'rd & the Mortal, The- stream, horizon (ep)
40 Days Longing- The Head of the Demon
Amorphis - Tuonela
Azazel- Ride through the Horizon
Confusion - Custom Made
Death - Human
Dissection- The Past is Alive***
Dream Theater- When Dream & day Unite
Ember- Concession & Anthology
Fates Warning- Parallels
Fates Warning- A Pleasant Shade of Grey
Flower Kings, The- A Selection from "The Flower Kings" catalogue (full length promo)
Gardens Of Gehenna- Mortem Saluta
Hecate Enthroned- Kings of Chaos (promo)
King Diamond- Abigail
King Diamond- Them
King Diamond- Conspiracy
King Diamond & Black Rose- 20 Years Ago, A night of Rehearsal
Lemur Voice- Divided***
Lemur Voice- Insights***
My Dying Bride- The Angel & the Dark River
Scholomance- A Treatise on Love*** (signed!)
3'rd & the Mortal, The- stream, horizon (ep)
Under the Sun- s/t
V/A Beauty in Darkness Vol. 2 (digi Compilation)
V/A Peaceville- Under The sign Of A Sacred Sun (compilaition)
Yes- 90125
Yes- Fragile

My Dying Bride- Turn Loose the Swans*** (double lp)
My Dying Bride- The Angel & the Dark River***
My Dying Bride- 34.788 % Complete***
Tiamat- The Astral Sleep***

Shirts of these bands (quantity of shirts in the brackets):
Cradle of Filth (1)
Darkane (1)*
Dissection (3)***
King Diamond (1)
Metallica (2)
...contact me for more detailes on the shirts.

* = Goodies.
*** = Rares.

Want List:

Allan Holdsworth- The Sixteen Men of Tain
Annihilator- Never, Neverland
Atheist- Unquestionable Presence
Bozzio/Levin/Stevens- Any
Cosmosquad- Any
Cyril Achard- Any
Dark Tranquillity- The Mind's I/Projector/Damage Done
Dillinger Escape Plan- Irony is a Dead Scene
Embraced- Amorous Anathema
Enchant- Juggling 9 Or Dropping 10/Blink of an Eye
Heaven's Cry- Food for Thought Substitute
Impious- Evilized
Jean Luc Ponty- Life Enigma
Jeff Kollman- Any
Live- The Distance to Here
Opeth- Black Water Park (w. bonus CD)
Ozric Tentacles- Any
Power of Omens- The Eye of the Oracle
Sceptic- Pathetic Being
Soilwork- The Chainheart Machine
Spastic Ink- Ink Complete
Star One- Space Metal
Tori Amos- To Venus & Back
Tribal Tech- Illicit
Yellow Jackets- Politics
Yes - The Ladder

...and tons of other stuff.
So just mail me with a suggestion to: elieilam@barak.net.il

Regards: Omer Eilam