Urigreen !! a new world with fun and beer !


May 30, 2005
Fougères France
Since one year, the Urigreen party exist !
we are a political party but an unusual party because lot of parties are in confusion and are so ambitious ! Our aim consists of following the policy of your heart !

We hope that all enemies will be united to save the world from the human madness !
We have the chance to live in a beautiful world but the Human kind is destroying it by pollution, war and intolerance!

We want to spread a message of peace, love and nature, (with fun ! it’s important to have good time with people who are concerned by all these issues )

People often says that the Urigreen way is an utopia but in fact they’re wrong because before changing the world, our aim is to change ourselves!

A Urigreen community increases everyday ! People from Morocco, Romania, Germany has joined us!

You’re all welcome in our forum (http://urigreen.darkbb.com/index.forum) there is an international part in it !

PS: we’re not a kind of hippies but just normal guys who want a better world !

I was chating with a friend about Greenpeace and we thought that a party of nature and peace could be great ! THe name of the party was "Pissevert" because of peace ( =pisse with the phonetics, pisse =pee in english) and green (vert in french)
Urigreen = Urinate green :tickled:

I guess that the concept is a bit silly but I hope that you'll lots of people to :wave: :wave: :wave: join us !!
Ollo-San said:
I was chating with a friend about Greenpeace and we thought that a party of nature and peace could be great ! THe name of the party was "Pissevert" because of peace ( =pisse with the phonetics, pisse =pee in english) and green (vert in french)
Urigreen = Urinate green :tickled:

I guess that the concept is a bit silly but I hope that you'll lots of people to :wave: :wave: :wave: join us !!

Absynth makes me urinate greeno_O
:wave: Hello Ollo!!!
"Pissevert"!!!!!:tickled: :D HiHiHiHiHi!!!!!Jte le dis t'es un peu barge comme mec des fois,non?LOL!!!!:loco:
Just like Bin Laden...so cool:tickled:

:cry: <<<<this smiley takes a piss(ehm it cries if you block half of it with your hand, it takes a piss)
and this smiley is green>>>:yuk: so is this one>>>:ill: and this one>>>:zombie: ....you get the point

(you actually took your hand to the screen and covered half that smiley, you're pathetic...now lick your elbow):loco:
not just like Bin Laden !!!! If this ............ had used wine instead of weapons, the world could be less frightened !!!!!!

personnally I use alcohol as a weapon:tickled: :tickled: :tickled:

the result is sometimes strange :ill:
Ollo-San said:
not just like Bin Laden !!!! If this ............ had used wine instead of weapons, the world could be less frightened !!!!!!

personnally I use alcohol as a weapon:tickled: :tickled: :tickled:

the result is sometimes strange :ill:

you're avoiding the subject...did you cover half of the crying smiley to see if it pisses?and did you lick your elbow?:tickled: