US to UK, equipment usage (& vice versa)?

field scarecrow

New Metal Member
Nov 16, 2004

I was wondering if anyone could help me with some knowledge! :) I am from the UK, but currently in the USA on holiday, and have been thinking about getting some gear while I'm here.

I was wondering, if I bought something from the USA, like a sansamp or Pod Pro XT, what would I need to use it at home? Is it just a simple case of an adaptor plug for the physical fittings (which I HEAVILY doubt), or do I need to purchase a dedicated, possibly expensive voltage transformer of some sort (e.g. US 110v to UK 240v)? Also, would I also need to buy something to ensure that the current that goes into the equipment stays consistent (i.e. something to get rid of surges'n'spikes)?

What about going from UK to US? I might be moving to the USA in a year or so (family stuff).

Sorry if it's a stupid question but I had nobody to ask! So why not ask the experts eh... :Spin: Any answers, recommendations or suggestions from you wonderful people would be utterly appreciated, thank you!!!!
You can need a power inverter, they cost around £30 from Maplins. If you're going to use more than one piece of hardware you should get a USA power distributer (sp?) and that would also give you a clean power supply.

The transformer and Power Distro should cost no more than £100 in total if you shop around.
Actually I just got a PODxt from the US, which I am planning to use both in Turkey and the US. When I took it back to Turkey, I had some serious worries, but I found an AC AC adaptor which converts 220 to 110 V. For 10 Turkish liras, which is like 7.5 US dollars. :D Now that is a bargain.