Useful Firefox extensions

The Ozzman

Melted by feels
Sep 17, 2006
In My Kingdom Cold
List them:

  1. AdBlock Plus
  2. Flashblock
  3. NoScript (Best add-on ever next to Loop)
  4. Loop (take documents from your hard drive, combine them and convert them to PDF within Firefox
  5. DownloadHelper (allows you to download youtube videos, but you need a player that allows for the .flv extension)
  6. ForecastFox
  7. Google Preview
  8. Gmail notifier (icon on your status bar tells you if you have any mail without having to go to your physical gmail inbox)
  9. Download status bar (Eliminates the annoying Download Status box and reverts to sitting on your status bar when you download something
Linkification is a must. It converts text links into hyperlinks.
Text to Picture an excellent addition as well.

I'm quite fond of Panic since it allows me to close out every tab with the click of a button.

However perhaps the most used one of mine is FoxyTunes. It allows me to control my music player from the Firefox interface.
The fact that they don't let you use firefox - and I don't even know where you work.

It's not that they won't let me, but it's just the chain of command. I've put stuff on my computer before and the woman has been extremely pissed off at me for doing it before. Shit is only supposed to be done with her approval, but I'm going to just flat out ask her if I can go ahead and do it this week. I mean, the office environment is so laid back I don't see why I could just do it myself since the browser does nothing to the system really.
mcafee siteadvisor is pretty much worth a squirt, as it's free and when you do a google search, it puts a red blob next to sites which have been found to be infested.