
Thrax chick
Sep 1, 2004
so----how come the HOB sucks so bad????
So may people had passes & couldn't go backstage, because they kept changing the "kind" of passes you needed. By the end of the night, I had a photo pass, which got me upstairs, then I got an all access pass, and as I was right next to the room about to go in, they said it wasn't good enough. you needed a "laminated" pass. WHAT THE FUCK?????????? :yuk: :yell:
They changed there minds at a whim.... Before the show it one way after it was another.... There manager said it would be easier to get Saddam Husain backstage the us
Yeah, that place was ultra homo. I had an All Access laminate, and the Sam Kinison looking dude said "that doesn't give you access to OUR club". So, I had to get a House Of Blues All Access sticker. My buddies got After Show stickers, and luckily there were two tickets for me @ will call so they used them to get in.

HOB = over-priced booze and a staff of asshats.
chiefs45177 said:
Yeah, that place was ultra homo. I had an All Access laminate, and the Sam Kinison looking dude said "that doesn't give you access to OUR club". So, I had to get a House Of Blues All Access sticker. My buddies got After Show stickers, and luckily there were two tickets for me @ will call so they used them to get in.

HOB = over-priced booze and a staff of asshats.

That Asshole took my daughters HOB's All Access pass because she wasn't 21..... Fucker!!!!.... Charlie's drum tech got me another one and i snuck her up stairs, We hung out with Joey's wife for the entire set on sunday....
HoB is probably one of the clubs I hate covering shows at, because there always seems to be some kind of run-around, whether it's with tickets or with passes. I once was scheduled to do a Dokken interview after a show at HoB Chicago, and only found out the day of the show that I was supposed to have cleared doing an audio-taped interview with corporate in California... AAARRRGGGHHH! (I was lucky; I was still able to do the interview.)

All of that said - I'll probably be the only person giving the staff some credit. Everyone I dealt with on Sunday was courteous and friendly, even if no one knew where we were supposed to gather for the soon-cancelled after-show.

To those of you who travelled in for the show - Chicago is usually a more friendly town than that. Sorry you had those troubles.
That sucks for you guys. My pass was gone when I got there(Detroit) but it all worked out. Got eveyone's, minus Scott, autograph on the Notman face of N.F.M.B. shirt. Smells like an ashtray :)
The House of Blues is run by a bunch of fucking assclowns with the dumbest fucking rules ever. They can't make up their mind if you need an all access HOB sticker or a band laminate pass. Fortunately I had both. Then they have shitty rules about photography (only if you kiss their ass and sign a legal document) and videography (only if you pay them a ton of money). This is with band permission, mind you. They can't get a damn fucking thing right about the guest list either. I'm surprised Scott P (road manager) or Izzy (band manager) didn't have a fucking heart attack right there.

When I was in that stupid-ass "Foundation Room" for rock stars and wealthy rock music fans who are "members" of the House of Blues (I didn't fit in here), I ranted to some woman and it turns out she is on the board of directors for the HOB. She seemed receptive to my message that the place sucks ass.

Some dumbass security man cleared the dressing room while I was gone and I found out later Alex fuckin' Ross was kicked out, of all people.

Before I came to Chicago I thought maybe I would pick up some HOB merch because I liked the first Blues Brothers movie, but after dealing with one hassle after another, they don't get a dime for me. FUCK THE HOUSE OF BLUES.
having seen many many shows at HOB over the years, i can definately say they have gotten shitty. all the rules and structure and what not. hob used to be alot more laid back and informal. it's wreaks of corporate involvement now.
jdelpi said:
The House of Blues is run by a bunch of fucking assclowns with the dumbest fucking rules ever. They can't make up their mind if you need an all access HOB sticker or a band laminate pass. Fortunately I had both. Then they have shitty rules about photography (only if you kiss their ass and sign a legal document) and videography (only if you pay them a ton of money). This is with band permission, mind you. They can't get a damn fucking thing right about the guest list either. I'm surprised Scott P (road manager) or Izzy (band manager) didn't have a fucking heart attack right there.

When I was in that stupid-ass "Foundation Room" for rock stars and wealthy rock music fans who are "members" of the House of Blues (I didn't fit in here), I ranted to some woman and it turns out she is on the board of directors for the HOB. She seemed receptive to my message that the place sucks ass.

Some dumbass security man cleared the dressing room while I was gone and I found out later Alex fuckin' Ross was kicked out, of all people.

Before I came to Chicago I thought maybe I would pick up some HOB merch because I liked the first Blues Brothers movie, but after dealing with one hassle after another, they don't get a dime for me. FUCK THE HOUSE OF BLUES.

JEEBUS! That kind of reminds me of *Sanctuary records!

with most of the guest list stuff happening 2nd day, I was obviously out of luck but I still had a killer time.

I just wish I would have been allowed to have a camera inside as I would have loved to have taken pics with fellow boardmembers. :cool:
.......By the end of the night, I had a photo pass, which got me upstairs, then I got an all access pass, and as I was right next to the room about to go in, they said it wasn't good enough.......

There were major screw ups on the HOB part, but the problem was that there were way to many people upstairs that should not have been there. Not to rag on you Pink...but you state you had a photo pass. That alone should not have gotten you upstairs. HOB has a policy of no one under 21 allowed upstairs when there is alcohol present...well there were probably 25 people under the age of 21. Charlie was pissed that everone was grabbing all the beer, drinking all the Crown when no one even asked....

......Some dumbass security man cleared the dressing room while I was gone and I found out later Alex fuckin' Ross was kicked out, of all people.........

yep that security guy (tall skinny black dude) was an asshole. I told Alex to stay because he was Alex Ross and he said that it was ok, and left. That security guard even went as far and tried to grab Charlie from behind (he didnt even know he was in the band)but me and my friend actually grabbed the guard and told him to get his fucken hands off Charle or there was gonna be a problem. Same guy hassled me as I was going upstairs earlier in the day with an all access Anthrax pass, and an all access HOB pass.