using a pick doesnt capture the true essence of the bass

why use a pick on the bass?

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When using a pick it doesnt capture the true essence of what bass is all about. I know that a lot of people think that you cant play as fast ,but that just simply is not true.Fingerpickng,slapping, poping,and chiming are what the bass is really all about. If you want to use a pick play the guitar! PLEASE RESPOND!
I've played bass for many years my friend and used to think like you also. (i have a preference for 4 finger pizzacato) But pick playing does have its place also (however 90% of my practice is still fingerstle). Some songs (like Tool songs) just don't sound quite right without a pick. I've tried my best to get a good pick sound out of my fingers to mimic a pick player, but I find it's just best to learn both (i like the idea that i can be versatile beyond the 2, 3, 4 finger plucking, slapping, 2-hand tapping, harmonics, ect.). By the way, it's all good if you like bass.
Hehe, monkey has a good point. If fingers is what you like, just do it. I didn't decide I wanted to try a pick until after about 10 years, worked for me and I was happy that way.

My point was just, no one technique is ideal for every situation. Just like music theory and reading skills, alot of people say they don't need them (and they probably don't) but it's just another little something you have to help you out. I'm just one of those over-blown technical people, it's just the way I am, it's not the right way, it's not the wrong way.

Hmmm, ham. Never thought of that. Go for that meaty sound, eh? Oh god, that's corny. Good point Mr. M.
Hummmmmm. Ham picking Style. Should be great for Splater & Gore bands. A bloody peace of ham... Yeah...

Now, back to the point: Yes I PLAY bass, and yes, I use a pick. Not ´cause I want, just a lack of practice in finger picking. But I´m working on it. I used to play guitar, so I have more practice with the pick, but my band´s drummer is always telling me to do fingerstile.

Do what the master said: "Don´t stick to one technich, but master `em all!" (or anything like that)
Hehe, ya Higon, the MAN does have mucho more experience than me, and it sounds like good advice to me.

I actually went in reverse order than you. I went from bass, to taking up classical guitar (that is some of the hardest stuff to learn! I read Steves PDF exercise on his site, and his alternating 3 finger plucking that he uses is a classical technique; that was a interesting surprise.), then back. But I learned bass originally from lead guitarists, I used to always frustrate them because I couldn't use a pick (i was not a natural at it by a long shot), and fingers came much easier. So, I respect pick players for being good at what I had a hard time with. When I was younger, I convinced myself that the ONLY way to play bass was with fingers. I was a bit naive then (damn, i make myself sound old! im only 30!).

Is there some way to register here with a yahoo email address? It wouldn't let me and that's the only email account I use. Anyone have a pointer?
I'm a guitarist, but in my melodic death metal band, I play bass. I use a pick. I've tried fingerplaying, but it's just too damned technical and fast, as I'm not Steve D.

I say, play it however you want. Fuck anyone who would tell YOU how to play, except for maybe an instructor you're paying.

It's all about the music, and if you're putting your heart into it.

Anyone who thinks otherwise can kiss my pale hairy behind... I don't care what you think about that, and I don't care if you don't approve of the brand name of my bass or my gear.

Dig my music, or hate it, it's all good. I can't stand people preaching their technique on others though.

I used to be against pick playing but I'm not so much anymore, I would NEVER use it myself unless something extreme happens but if someone feel like using a pick and he does it well that why not. I do however think that fingerplay always is the better option if you can master it and you really don't see any of the extreme elite of bassplayers use a pick either.
I used to always frustrate them because I couldn't use a pick (i was not a natural at it by a long shot), and fingers came much easier. So, I respect pick players for being good at what I had a hard time with

Pick playing are not so difficult. It´s all about the "upstroke - downstroke". Just have to find a good position where you can get all the strings without moving your arm, just your wrist and SHAZAM! You are doing it. Well, a least it´s what I do...

Have your ever seen Moises from Krizium playing live? He´s fucking fast and only move his wrist. I play bass the same way he plays guitar (but not that fast).
Ah, you see, it was more natural for you to use a pick. That's how finger playing is for me. I really struggled with picks, even though I knew it shouldn't be that tough. I'm abit more comfortable with them now, but I still can't call myself a pick player (maybe never). Noones the same.

Oh, and Bah! I wasn't pushing my veiws. He asked for an opinion and I gave one. I never said it was right, never said it was wrong, it's just my outlook.
I know this isn't evem my thread, but I'll try it. My pick playing has gotten better recently, but has alot of room for improvement. I mostly play 6-string bass, so It'll be hard for large strings jumps, but I'll give it a shot.
It tells me I have to use a non-free email account. My yahoo account is all I really need (could definetly not use another bill).
I'd love to join in on the debate here. But it's hard for me to take a side. I am about a 99% of the time only fingers (and thumb, and wrist, and elbow, and sleeve, and mic stand...), but I do break out a pick on a song or two for the effect. I don't think there's an angle you can take on which is better. But rather which is better for you. I've said it before, try everything and what ever works the best for you - go with it. I'm not the best at tapping, slapping, pizzicato, bow or the speed pick style...but I'll give it all a try. So no arguement here from me. But I don't mind joining the discussion on it. But at the end of the day I guess I'm a "finger" player. So I'll speak from that side of the platform if need be.
Either way...pick, fingers, nose hairs, etc...Get those volume knobs turned up bassbro's!!!
Originally posted by Unregistered
It tells me I have to use a non-free email account. My yahoo account is all I really need (could definetly not use another bill).

Why don't you use the one your internet provider gives you?!?!
I'll give it a shot (im at work right now), at least to distinquish me from the other unregistered users.

Nosehairs, eh? Never thought of that one either. Ya, Steve-man, at the end of the day, I'm mostly a finger player also (but I try my best to have at least a working ability with as many other styles as I can).

Like I said earlier, I prefer to learn as many as possible, but it's all good (just enjoy).