Using impulses

The_Shred: Nope, it's Amplitube 2 :)
Arjen W: Guitar-TS9-Amplitube
KeithRT99: Thanks man!
cobhc: Yup, you've nailed it hehe. Way too thin strings for this tuning.. But I wanted to try to record something this low, so I thought what the hell.
TheDude: Haha, indeed I do. Some people just say jävlar I namma instead, and I think it sound funny.
Jesus! Amplitube 2? Ive got it and im not happy, I cant get a semi decent sound nevermind something that metallic sounding :| How do you guys do it!?
Yea i had no luck with ampiltube and once i bought revalver MkII it was pretty much cake to draw in some sweet tones.

Good stuff though:headbang:
Im gonna try using my YJM pre drive with it, see if I can get similar results. What kinda amp/cab shit did you go for? A general recto preset or something? Im gonna do some 7 string stuff and thats the kinda tone im looking for. Ill do one with Amplitube (if I can get it sounding good) and one with the real kit.
Awsome song! Really badass riffing!

Hmm, though I don't really know what everybody meens with Impulses.
What´s that all about?

*Just saw that people have asked before. Sorry, I'll do some searching =)*
really extravagant sounding mix, you use lots of room on the guitars right?
would you mind to share some info about the treatment?
which samples did you use with dfhs ?