Using Live PA Monitors with Audio Interface


New Metal Member
Oct 18, 2011
I don't really have any loud enough amps. Would it work if I brought my desktop to the rehearsal space, and used the two outputs on my Fast Track Pro to be hooked up with the monitors, and just use amp sims? Could I also possibly have my guitar in one insert, and a mic in the other in the interface and just mix a decent sound through the computer and to the two PA monitors? I have never done anything outside recording in my room so excuse me if its a shitty question
I'd assume if the monitors are loud enough to put vocals over drums/backline then they are powerful enough to do what you want to do

If you use a vocal mic be careful with compression or else you're gonna be in feedback city

Everything is run into a mixing console beforehand right? Just plug your left output into channel 1, then your right output into channel 2, (line inputs if the board has them), pan appropriately in your DAW.

The only thing that would screw you over is latency, you'd have to make sure whatever plugins you are using are not adding audible latency to the instruments
I'd assume if the monitors are loud enough to put vocals over drums/backline then they are powerful enough to do what you want to do

If you use a vocal mic be careful with compression or else you're gonna be in feedback city

Everything is run into a mixing console beforehand right? Just plug your left output into channel 1, then your right output into channel 2, (line inputs if the board has them), pan appropriately in your DAW.

The only thing that would screw you over is latency, you'd have to make sure whatever plugins you are using are not adding audible latency to the instruments

the only mixing console i have is the one in my DAW. I was just wondering if i can plug my guitar in the interface, with the two outputs being the PA monitors, so i can use amp sims to play along with and as loud as the drums.


If I do this method is it going to ruin anything?
It won't ruin anything, you could do it without a problem, make sure your monitors are active (they won't work if they're not), and as Brian said make sure you're not adding audible latency and you'll be fine.

Cool, thanks a ton!