Using lowcut or not for vocals?

May 12, 2005
I'm tracking some vocals right now and yesterday I came to realize that I've always had the "low cut" switch enabled when recording.

How do you guys go about when recording? Is it "wrong" using lowcut?
In my experience, if there’s anything down below 80, you don’t want it on vocals. But it’s a safe experiment to leave it off and see if you like it. You can always cut some lows later.

I'm with Brett on the cuts though.
Thanks for your replies, now on to the next question: Where the heck do I find what crossoverfrequency my sontronic stc-2 has?? And don't say "check the manual" because I dont know where it is! :)
I always use a low cut on vocals, because surely removes any unwanted low end rumble but my main reason is that the vocals getting much more up-front and defined. Listen to a Pink record and you know what I mean. How much I cut depends on the singer, I usually start at 80 Hz und move up to 300 Hz and then stop somewhere in between. It is important that you use good filters (I have a UAD-1, so no problem here). Doing this with the built-in Cubase filters will ruin your mix.