Usurper Calls It Quits

Then what have I said about other bands? :err:

You really want me to go through a list?
It really isn't that big of a deal.
You just come across a bit negative towards many of the bigger local bands.
(IE - they have egos, they aren't as big of a draw as people think, etc.).

My comment was a quick reaction to your starting with, "surprise surprise..."
You really want me to go through a list?
It really isn't that big of a deal.
You just come across a bit negative towards many of the bigger local bands.
(IE - they have egos, they aren't as big of a draw as people think, etc.).

My comment was a quick reaction to your starting with, "surprise surprise..."

Well, it's a big fuckin' deal to me!! For one, me making comments about some band's ego issues or that they might not draw as much as others think (whether or not it's enough to be considered a potential Powerfest band or me just responding to the topic) certainly doesn't equate to me getting pleasure from their misfortune. WTF?!

I call it like I see it, and I don't fuckin' make shit up just to talk shit about anyone or any band. Sorry Jason, but I took great offense to your allegations, and even now that you're trying to justify or discount the shit you said. I've done nothing since I started in this scene over 10 fucking years ago but have tried to help bands who have asked for any help that I could give...NEVER ASKING FOR ANYTHING IN RETURN!!!. And us (CRJ) even doing this fucking fest is only to help the metal scene in Chicago. Sure, maybe it might not need as much help anymore, but we sure as hell started it before the scene started to get better around here. I also realize that it's gotten better independently of our efforts, but that's not because of a lack of trying on our part.

I certainly don't remember you coming out to any of our first 3 Powerfests...which were very much like Ray's Midwest Metal Anthem fest is now & very much all about helping local bands in addition to some other underground metal bands around the country. Regardless of your opinion about those bands, but not even just to support the scene. Nor do I remember you showing any support for Ray's fest either year. Fine, I understand you may have family obligations, money issues, or whatever the fuck, which may be why you don't come to show your support (maybe you're just selfish & are only willing to leave your house if the lineup is worthy in your eyes...whatever), but to say shit like I get pleasure from other bands' misfortunes is complete BULLSHIT!!!

If I've made comments about any band/member having an ego, then I only said it because that was my own personal experience with that band/member...and I ALWAYS give every band the benefit of the doubt. However, if I see evidence of that on multiple occassions, then I have the right to make such comments. And if I make comments about a band's drawing potential, then that is also a result of me witnessing crappy attendance at one or more of said band's shows. But that certainly doesn't mean I take pleasure from that.

Honestly, I have never been more offended by anything anyone has ever said about me or to me regarding the music scene & my part in it, than this fucking shit!

Call me a pussy or whatever the fuck because of my sensitivity about this, but I'm just so ready to say fuck this fest just because of all your fucking bullshit!!! Congratulations, you finally fuckin' got to me!

First off, calm down!
I for one ALWAYS commend yourself, Chris, and John for all the hard work you guys do on the fest.
No doubt you have provided good exposure for local bands, etc.

No reason though to let my comments get the best of you.

Secondly, I am NOT backtracking my comments in any way, other than it may have come off as knocking you, as a replied quoting your, "Surprise, Surprise" intro.

Myself, and others, have recommended various bigger local bands for the fest the past couple of years. A few times you indicated your non-willingness to work with certain bands due to ego, etc.

As far as my going to shows, you are 100% correct. I primarily go to shows to see bands I like. I did go primarily this year to support Powerfest. Sorry, I am not at all interested in the afterparties, etc that are the selling points for a lot of shows. Unlike a lot of you guys, I don't look at going to shows as my social life. Not that there is anything wrong with that, just not for me. (For reasons as you had indicated).

Look - all of us give each other a lot of shit on here for various reasons. There are a LOT of people who have taken direct pot shots at CRJ and the fest which you have completely ignored. For some reason, you don't let my comments go off as jovial ribbing.
Say what you will about my tastes, but you got personal with your "pot shot".

That, I do NOT take lightly...not when it's about my part in the scene or the music industry, which I hold quite dear...just as I do my family & friends.

I'm done with this topic....and you! Don't talk to me about anything anymore, and I'll do the same. It's just not worth it anymore.

Actually, maybe it's time to take a much needed break from this forum. You can get all your info & comments from Chris for a while. I've said enough around here.

Hmmm...maybe it's time for John to take my place on here. :lol::lol: Just let me know, John, & the Cunt Guy avatar is yours...I'll gladly pass the torch. :lol:
you didn't do any "jovial ribbing". what I got out of your post is that you think he's jealous of the success of alot of local acts and saying things out of pure immaturity.

i didn't find this the case. he has his opinions, and he can very well state them. if he doesn't book certain bands due to ego issues, then i fully support his decision. i don't want to meet some jerkoff musician that thinks he's the greatest thing ever. i want to meet people that are REAL.
i didn't find this the case. he has his opinions, and he can very well state them. if he doesn't book certain bands due to ego issues, then i fully support his decision. i don't want to meet some jerkoff musician that thinks he's the greatest thing ever. i want to meet people that are REAL.

Of course he is entitled to his own opinions.
No one said he wasn't.
anyone read the statement about the break up. It is funny when people think that if a band has CD's out that they are making money and living the high life. There are lots of people who dont realize that most of thier favorite bands have outside jobs to help support them and the band. Looks like Usurper got kind of screwed in the contracts they signed and with not alot happening, interest in the band itself doomed them. I see that happen alot...a band will get some hype for a bit and then once it is gone they kind of vanish. There are lots of musicians who want the rock star life without having to earn it. I know a few who only like playing "real clubs" and "important shows" and will play half assed at smaller shows. Sad that you are in a band and getting shows and doing crap like that. I am very interested in hearing the new band coming out of the death of Usurper.