Someone sprayed deoderant on this armpit, it seems.
Let's see... just did Amorphis, Ghost Guard (missed Entwine the same night to see this), Sick Terror, and Filth of Humanity.
Witch Hunt on Thursday.
Upcoming before 2007, plus likely more I don't even know about:
Fall Of The Idols/Funeral Planet/Miseria
Insomnium/The Scourger
Ablaze in Hatred/Soulfallen
Poisonblack (... likely to be skipped...
Magenta Skycode (might be one for the wife...)
... most for 5 or 6.
Going to shows seems a hell of a lot more fun when it's... this foreign stuff.
Let's see... just did Amorphis, Ghost Guard (missed Entwine the same night to see this), Sick Terror, and Filth of Humanity.
Witch Hunt on Thursday.
Upcoming before 2007, plus likely more I don't even know about:
Fall Of The Idols/Funeral Planet/Miseria
Insomnium/The Scourger
Ablaze in Hatred/Soulfallen
Poisonblack (... likely to be skipped...

Magenta Skycode (might be one for the wife...)
... most for 5 or 6.
Going to shows seems a hell of a lot more fun when it's... this foreign stuff.