Vale of Pnath 2008


New Metal Member
Apr 27, 2008

American death metal hailing from Denver, Colorado.
Influences include but are not limited to: Spawn of Possession, Arsis, Neuraxis, etc.

EP recently recorded/mixed by Dave Otero (Cephalic Carnage, Martriden)

Give it a listen, I'd love to know what you folks think!
I just heard this about a week ago. It is indeed really good stuff. It's in a similar vein, but stands out and far above, all the generic 'At the Gates'-ripoff metalcore bands out there these days.
i know we arent the most brutal band around, but i wouldnt call us metalcore...
nonetheless, ill take a compliment when it is given!!
Sorry, I didn't mean to imply that you are metalcore. I was trying to say you do(and do well) what a lot of metalcore bands are trying to do(unsuccessfully). You are making really good and fresh melodic death metal, as opposed to aping old Gothenburg stuff and riddling it with generic breakdown so the white belts can pick up their change.
Ah, gotcha. Well its nice to hear that in a world where our main competition consists of those bands you are referring to, we might actually stand a chance!
Thanks again vixTRON!
Wow! You guys sound totally killer and really tight. Myspace page is looking slick too. Good work. Our stuff is no way as brutal, but still trying to keep everything looking and sounding as pro as possible, (considering everything is done by us). Sadly it seems so many bands don't bother with this aspect of things which is as important as the music itself. We have the technology to do it, so utilise it I say. Hats off to ya. David Otero has made you sound AWESOME.