Vanishing Point!!!


Feb 11, 2002
New York
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Totally forgot about this great band from down under. Tangled In Dream was great, and I believe they are about to release a new one. They would definitely compliment PP very well. A unique blend of melodic progressive metal with a great vocalist and great melodies. Check these guys out, and Glenn, if they aren't already booked, look into them fior next year then. Cool band!!!
nightwish58 said:
Totally forgot about this great band from down under. Tangled In Dream was great, and I believe they are about to release a new one. They would definitely compliment PP very well. A unique blend of melodic progressive metal with a great vocalist and great melodies. Check these guys out, and Glenn, if they aren't already booked, look into them fior next year then. Cool band!!!

I really llike VP, I mentioned them many times for previous PPUSA's but I think that the wait for the new album is hurting them. They had a good thing going with TiD but they haven't followed it up yet and really need to get that bad boy out!!!I hope it comes out soon and maybe if its anywhere as good as TiD they will be cosidered for a future PPUSA, that would be cool!

From what I read they are about to release their new album. I think that Tangled in a Dream is a pretty solid album, but nothing that blows me away.
alexofbodom said:
From what I read they are about to release their new album. I think that Tangled in a Dream is a pretty solid album, but nothing that blows me away.

They haven't finished recording yet, so a release within the next few months is out of the question. A big part of the recording is already done, but they need some more weeks. Can't wait to hear the new one tho, i also like to see them on stage again.
