variety of sound plugs.. anybody use them?

Great stuff especially for free. I'm using ferric, epicVerb and NastyDLA all over the place and Density is amazing for slight compression with GR about 1-2 dB. BootEQ is nice for harmonic boosts. I had a problem with them though. When I was doing batch rendering several projects to mp3 and wav files sometime upon loading the project all VoS plugins would reset the settings. So now I check them every time before rendering.
DensityMkIII is great. NastyVCS also great. FerricTDS is a bit subtle for my tastes but is ok on certain things.
cool.. but specifically what settings and for what instrument and reason do you use them?
most of the plugins´ GUI make them look absolutely overpacked with buttons and knobs, so i stick to my favorites.

but i love the ThrillseekerLA !
sometimes it brings a special quality to drums, eg. one time it really softened the kick drum and made it suit a quieter song.
it´s also in my standard master chain
cool.. but specifically what settings and for what instrument and reason do you use them?

I use Density on drums and I've even used it as one of my mastering compressors, often two instances, one set to Mid/Side and the other to L/R when I'm mastering other people's music - the L/R is mainly used for volume riding any leveling differences between the sides if they happen.

NastyVCS on vocals, usually first in the chain but sometimes after a different saturation plugin. For death metal stuff the normal hipass/lopassing, saturation works well and then I even use the eq if it's needed (but still use a different surgical eq after the plugin), then the comp and limiter. for not being an airplane cockpit full of knobs it's a useful plug. It's good for anything but it shines on vocals.
I think I've used all of them at some point during a mix, and loved them for what they did. They are not only great at performing their task, but the ones designed for having character bring some very unique and usable flavours to the table. Thrillseeker, Ferric and some of the colour EQs come to mind, but I'm probably forgetting some. I'm fond of Density too.

Ferric is one of the very few plugins where I use the same setting very often, because it always seems to do the trick.
I set both the saturation and the dynamics to about 25% (this is on properly gain staged tracks) and correct the trim to get unity with the plugin on bypass. What this does for me is that it makes tracks pop out just a bit more, while retaining their character. Similar to having parallel distortion on something, but more subtle. I really like it when I want vocals or some kind of lead to stand out a bit more, while still keeping them embedded in the mix.
They are good plugins. I've used Tessla, EpicVerb, Ferric TDS, and Nasty DLA is pretty good for delay.

I use them much less these day though, as the built-in 64-bit plugins have gotten pretty good in my DAW.
Don't they work well with jbridge? I'm asking because I just built a new computer and for the first time I'm planning to start using 64 bit Cubase (I have 32 bit installed as well though just to be on the safe side). So I have basically no experience at all with working with Cubase in 64 bits.
I use them sometimes in reaper x64, they work well,
I like ThrillseekerLA although sometimes it stops sounding
(but anyway I reload the plugin and It works again.)
ThrillseekerVBL sounds great too.