

New Metal Member
May 4, 2004
Much like the Dead Can Dance thread i was wondering if there are any fans. They have a new CD comming out on tuesday. Their music is hard to describe. Think Dead Can Dance but more ethnic. The female vocalist has the best voice i have ever heard, better than any American idol. Some of her songs can sound even erotic. Its middle eastern influenced. The group consist of basicly two people, the singer and precussionist with drones, dulcimer & cello. The cello in some of the songs actually uses stomp boxes to get his sounds like a guitarist live which blew me away. There website has all the goodies on them. I recomend them for all you metallers cause sometimes you need some music that is soft but retains the dark feel and not the happy pop ballads metal players make when they turn the distortion off.

I listen to everything from slayer, arch enemy, hypocrisy, anthrax, witchery to GnR, so I like it heavy. Sometimes you need to call down and hear something quiet and Vas is it.

I only listened to metal and one day I walked in to a Tower record store near my school and they had this song called Sunyata by Vas and I was like what is that, i never heard anything like it. And I can say it changed my whole out look on music. Music can broaden you horizon in thought. It even changed how I write my songs.

So if you want something dark and sensual get Vas.